

      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • JonnyJD joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou1 joined the channel
      • MBJenkins
        Project full-import build #104: SUCCESS in 4 hr 59 min: http://ci.musicbrainz.org/job/full-import/104/
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • ohrstrom joined the channel
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      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • Freso
        CatQuest: The "Import to MB" button is only sometimes displayed due to a bug somewhere. murdos, however, insists there is no issue: https://userscripts.org/topics/89514 (I also always have to do some workaround to get it to appear - but I also use Adblock)
      • ruaok_ joined the channel
      • ohrstrom joined the channel
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • CatCat joined the channel
      • Mineo
        does anyone know if there's already a ticket for http://musicbrainz.org/edit/23540403 (the non-thumbnail version of the picture is fine)? I could swear I've seen a ticket for that somewhere :/
      • ohrstrom joined the channel
      • nikki
      • Mineo
        that's probably it, thanks :)
      • LordSputnik joined the channel
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox joined the channel
      • ocharles
        LordSputnik: just a shame it's a poor choice, financially
      • at least for stuff running 24/7
      • (re: amazon cloud stuff)
      • andreypopp joined the channel
      • LordSputnik
        ocharles: it's free for a year though :)
      • ocharles: what's a financially better cloud service?
      • ocharles
        LordSputnik: hetzner and linode are both good choices
      • not exactly "cloud"
      • but if you're just running one server 24/7, that isn't really how the cloud works
      • LordSputnik
        but if I need to I can scale
      • but I really have no clue about cloud hosting and just want a cheap replacement for my raspberry pi which is slightly faster, and amazon seemed easy
      • ocharles
        ruaok, ruaok_ - ping
      • ijabz - ping?
      • voiceinsideyou1 joined the channel
      • reosarevok joined the channel
      • actually, nm
      • voiceinsideyou joined the channel
      • pingu is to blame
      • one perl-fcgi process , started 16:05 seems to be unresponsive
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ok, i restarted pingu but it still seems to have the same behaviour
      • i've lowered the weight on that server so hopefully it won't impact things too badly
      • ianmcorvidae
        possibly it's a specific sort of request?
      • ianmcorvidae forgets if perl-stacktrace is installed on pingu
      • ocharles
        ianmcorvidae: could be that, not sure
      • i'd rather go and cook my dinner ;)
      • but it's weighted less than lolo now and stuff seems stable enough, so i'm gonna see what happens
      • ianmcorvidae
        fair enough :)
      • ocharles
        http://tintin.mb/render/?width=1220&height=... is what i'm using for monitoring this atm
      • so you might want to keep an eye on that too
      • ianmcorvidae joined the channel
      • ianmcorvidae
        ocharles: if you're around, astro's now 500ing a bunch
      • (well, 5xxing, but)
      • ocharles
        oh good lord.
      • ianmcorvidae
        looks like it's 502/504, as presumably expected
      • ocharles
        astro is out now
      • ianmcorvidae spies asterix's line starting to appear :P
      • ianmcorvidae
        how do we debug this?
      • ocharles
        not sure, it feels like something else is broken :/
      • all back in, more weight on pingu
      • warp
        are we running with four frontends now? or is one still an upgrade-work-in-progress situation?
      • ocharles
        four at 12.04
      • i think this might be a bit better now
      • warp
      • ianmcorvidae
        it seems like there's some trigger, I guess
      • warp
        ocharles: haskell is hard!
      • ianmcorvidae
        I can't imagine it's load, given we were fine with three frontends before 12.04
      • ocharles
        warp: correct is hard!
      • ianmcorvidae: yea, i think what's happening is a lot of processes are taking a long time to deliver responses
      • which means one of our dbs is slow - search, wiki, totoro, memcached, or redis
      • ianmcorvidae
        or they're getting stuck somewhere else
      • but yes
      • mb-chat-logger joined the channel
      • wiki could be slow due to hoser being loaded in some capacity, how is that doing since we made pinoprime and more stuff is hitting tintin?
      • ocharles
        caa-indexer on pinoprime is pretty borked too :/
      • i restarted it and it seems to be actually processing events now
      • ianmcorvidae
        luna/forums have been periodically flickering, according to nagios
      • ocharles
        ok, gonna get back to non mb stuff. highlight me if things go down again
      • ianmcorvidae
      • outsidecontext joined the channel
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • ijabz
        warp heh, I do wonder whether haskells primary aim was to be as a test to prove to people that you are clever
      • ianmcorvidae
        it started out as a language for doing programming language research
      • so that's why it's designed to be able to make so many high-level concepts fairly integrated
      • conveniently though, understanding those concepts tends to help you use those concepts to write better code, so :P
      • ijabz
        Decided I should read all the iain banks books I havent read, now that he has died
      • Just read Excession and all the minds taking to each other, reminds me a bit of the musicbrainz irc channels
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ijabz
        ianmcorvidae the few times I look at it, I just think wtf, there is no easy way into it
      • ianmcorvidae
        hm, I suppose
      • I guess it's a language focused on making you think before you write code, which a lot of languages don't really enforce
      • and the same sort of thing tends to apply when learning it, which is a barrier
      • hopefully you've at least been linked to http://learnyouahaskell.com/ before though, that's a pretty good introduction to the language
      • there's always more things to learn with haskell, of course, but that gets you far enough you can typically figure out what things are doing and bootstrap your way further
      • ijabz
        yeah I did look at it, but got a but bored with it.
      • ianmcorvidae
        fair enough
      • I read most of it while on a vacation visiting my girlfriend's extended family, so I guess I had a bit of a boon as far as focusing :P
      • ijabz
        heh, yes almost anything is more fun than extended periods with the inlaws
      • ocharles
        warp: watcha working on?
      • warp
        ocharles: I'm trying to port a python script which does some magic and then downloads a resource.
      • ocharles: https://gist.github.com/warpr/6406768 <-- I'm currently trying to get rid of the do-notation on resolvePrefix
      • (and failing)
      • murdos
        Freso: patches are welcome for the Discogs userscript
      • ocharles
        warp: where are you stuck?
      • oh, getting rid of do notation
      • warp
      • ocharles
        if you write it as "a >>= b" and then move 'a' and 'b' to separate functions, you can ask ghci there types, and gradually fill them in
      • which is sort of "hole" driven development
      • warp
      • I get lost when it starts complaining about monads :)
      • ohrstrom joined the channel
      • Freso
        murdos: The workaround work fine for me. :p
      • *works
      • ocharles
      • warp: write the types out for step1 and step2
      • you see to be mixing monads
      • or more, step2 is in a different monad than you expect
      • (you expect IO but it's in Maybe)
      • warp
        ocharles: I was kind of hoping the transformation from do-notation to >>= would be straightforward, and I was doing something silly wrong.
      • ocharles
        warp: well it is, because that transformation is completely mechanical
      • but I think you've tried to go too fast
      • warp
      • ocharles
        it may help to look up how do syntax works in the ghc manual
      • and then manually expand it
      • and then try and tidy that code up
      • because right now you've dropped a return out
      • lookup should be 'return . lookup'
      • warp
      • oh indeed.
      • ocharles
        so if you replaced the ';' (that do notation would add) with >>=, then you might find the refactoring easier
      • but this stuff you just develop an eye for eventually
      • warp
        presumably understanding monads would help.
      • ocharles
        hmm, the ability to remember exactly what the type of >>= helps
      • but that's mostly memorizing the "monad" type class
      • warp
        ocharles: unrelated, I don't understand what happens with the curly braces. is there a way to do that inline?
      • ocharles
        what do you mean by curly braces?
      • warp
        noRedirect request = request { redirectCount = 0 }
      • ocharles
      • not really, that's specific syntax
      • that says "replace the 'redirectCount' field with 0, in the 'request' record
      • the possible fields are specified by the type of request
      • though i don't think conduit exports them
      • though it *does* export the fields themselves, that's why you can update the record
      • at least iirc
      • warp
        yes, the documentation says to create the request with parseUrl, and then change fields afterward if neccesary.