

      • snartal
        making progress... now getting "no module named mutagen", so guess I'll have to compile/install that
      • Wow......
      • Its running!!!
      • Thanks for all the help.
      • Now, to figure out how to watch the code run
      • cliff123_
        I am getting Schema sequence mismatch - codebase is 18, /tmp/dumps/mbdump-cdstubs.tar.bz2 is 19 on an initial import. I made sure musicbrainz git was up to date. Is there something I am missing?
      • ianmcorvidae
        cliff123_: you need to update your lib/DBDefs.pm to have 19
      • cliff123_: "codebase" is a bit of a misnomer, it really is configuration
      • cliff123_
        ah, gotcha
      • Thanks again
      • JonnyJD_
        snartal: good
      • mb-chat-logger
      • bitmap
        ianmcorvidae: should fix /release/add on beta -> https://bitbucket.org/metabrainz/musicbrainz-se...
      • Lewis
        hey guys I got it working by installing libjson-xs-perl (thanks Jozo) Then removing .cpamn and Perl5 folder and then doing cpanm --installdeps --notest . again thanks for hints to get it working
      • JonnyJD_
        Lewis: good. So the solution is to install libjson-xs-perl before running cpanm, right?
      • Lewis
      • now im seeing [warning] GET caused a warning: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Entity/Artwork.pm line 88. on loading of page
      • JonnyJD_
        possibly a configuration error (or a bug)
      • "return $self->_urlprefix . "." . $self->suffix;" is at that line
      • Lewis
        sub image { my $self = shift; return $self->_urlprefix . "." . $self->suffix; }
      • is what Artwork.pm 88 read
      • JonnyJD_
        what does your DBDefs say about COVER_ART_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX?
      • Lewis: you might need to comment or uncomment that value in your lib/DBDefs.pm
      • Lewis
        sub COVER_ART_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX { "http://coverartarchive.org" };
      • it is
      • its new error to me never seen it before
      • JonnyJD_
        do you have a lib/DBDefs.pm?
      • ianmcorvidae
        it's also just a warning
      • JonnyJD_
        is it commented or uncommented?
      • ianmcorvidae
        I'd just check if it's actually a problem or not
      • Lewis
      • ianmcorvidae
        there's a default in DBDefs::Default, assuming you're using a correct DBDefs that has use parent 'DBDefs::Default' in it
      • if not, there's lots of other shit that's probably broken anyway, so I doubt that you're not
      • Lewis
        yes im useing DBDefs.pm i only mess with loc, RT_SLAVE and change 1 to 0
      • JonnyJD_
        anyways, I am going to sleep now. Eating much of the left-over candy gave me a headache.
      • Lewis
        JonnyJD and Ian it's # sub COVER_ART_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX { "http://coverartarchive.org" };
      • JonnyJD_
        so commented out, and in the defaults it is without "http:" (probably using the same protocol as the rest of the server)
      • ianmcorvidae
        yes, that's all fine
      • Lewis
        it not doing it with E but doing it with chrome
      • CallerNo6
        Lewis: did you say your town/city/whatever moved halloween to tomorrow? That's like only moving the headstones (not the bodies). This can't end well.
      • ruaok notes that small groups of people in barcelona celebrate halloween
      • Lewis
        well we got being storm coming in and they do not want kids out
      • JonnyJD_
        CallerNo6: he probably meant they have holiday tomorrow (some catholic holiday tomorrow, all hallow.. something)
      • really? interesting
      • Lewis
        Lexington, KY
      • college ball UK
      • CallerNo6 will stop interrupting now
      • JonnyJD_ is going to sleep
      • Hey Ian is there reason chrome doing error
      • or it could be my adblocker in chrome its set to max
      • firefox is not kicking warning
      • kepstin-laptop joined the channel
      • thanks for help guys and have a good nite im out
      • nikki
        luks: the area-area links can also change if there was a mistake in the data originally
      • ianmcorvidae|n4 joined the channel
      • JesseW_not_logge joined the channel
      • Lewis joined the channel
      • Lewis
        is anyone awake that can help me with ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "artist_gid_redirect_pkey"
      • I guess ppl out party or in bed
      • andreypopp joined the channel
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      • njh joined the channel
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      • ruaok joined the channel
      • v6lur joined the channel
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      • ijabz joined the channel
      • kepstin-laptop joined the channel
      • Lewis joined the channel
      • gm ppl do we have some ppl awake may be able to help me with LoadReplicationChanges ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "artist_gid_redirect_pkey"
      • ijabz joined the channel
      • JonnyJD_
        Lewis: my guess is that there is a problem in the DB you got there
      • finding and deleting that duplicate might help
      • (as in: per sql)
      • Lewis
        JonnyJD_: not able to find the key already exists. at /home/musicbrainz/musicbrainz-server/admin/replication/../../lib/Sql.pm line 107.
      • daveh
        are you running a VM or did you do all the install yourself?
      • ocharles
        Right, lets see if I can get this lazy loading for /release working
      • Lewis
      • reoafk joined the channel
      • I guess it will be one of them days after looking on google for help then come to mbdevel and still not help
      • JonnyJD_
        Lewis: maybe try and delete all artist_gid_redirects? (not sure if you need it, but that is probably fixed with replication again)
      • nikki
        replication doesn't recreate the entire table
      • JonnyJD_
        well, then you have to find the exact entries that have a duplicate primary key
      • nikki
        and imo if you're getting errors like that, you've managed to end up with a messed up db and should reimport it
      • JonnyJD_
        hm, probably also easier, since it is unattended
      • rolo joined the channel
      • Lewis
        nikki: you saying it may be best to dump and reimport
      • nikki
      • Lewis
        kk thanks well i guess that will be job for later tonight i have real job to get to
      • rolo has left the channel
      • Jozo
        Nice. iTunes api returns error gzipped but normal response plain text... :/
      • Lewis
        thanks Jozo for help last nite it made things work if i install ubuntu libjson-xs-perl first
      • ocharles
        I've just pushed my original MBS-3841 branch out onto beta
      • mb-chat-logger
      • ocharles
        so beta will now once again have /release/:mbid rendered by Knockout
      • ocharles says, failing to push this work
      • alright, there we go
      • Freso joined the channel
      • nikki
        jira isn't responding...
      • daveh
        probably for the best.
      • nikki
        not really.
      • Freso
        daveh: How would that ever be for the best??
      • daveh
      • JonnyJD_
        daveh: if jira is off, this makes fixing bugs more difficult, never a good thing
      • daveh
        i've had to live by JIRA in the past. a tad dehumanising.
      • ocharles
        woohoo, I got /release to load individual mediums
      • hawke joined the channel
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      • CallerNo6 joined the channel
      • JonnyJD_
        snartal: Please have a look if these are the instructions on Picard install you were missing: https://github.com/musicbrainz/picard/pull/175
      • daveh
        l_artist_url links artist and rul i assume?
      • url
      • nikki
      • although your questions would make more sense if you asked them in one place
      • daveh
        this is devel
      • a devel question, no?
      • nikki
        there's no context to your question though.
      • daveh
        i'm trying to compose a query that will return the links for an artist
      • as in what inc=url-rels returns
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/STYLE-246 has passed RFV, but needs your approval
      • snartal
        JonnyJD_: That covers it basically, though what I did was just copy the files in the bin directory to the base picard directory. Adding th the path is probably a better choice for anything that needs gettext.
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: done
      • JonnyJD_
        yeah, copying the binaries is also an option, though adding things to the path is "the usual way to go"
      • snartal
        I would agree
      • The only other thing I would say is since its in a paragraph, dense winders users like me who have new to this stuff have a harder time parsing it, where a the bulleted items above help break it apart mentally.
      • JonnyJD_
        hm, didn't want to make a "big fuzz" with more bullets, but maybe I should do that
      • snartal
        Maybe it clogs it up for the experienced folk, but for me, I know it helps.
      • JonnyJD_
        snartal: well, the experienced folks don't need instructions anyways :-P
      • snartal
        Also thanks again for your help. You and all the other folks who help me out are priceless. Answering our questions saves us hours and hours of aimless searching of the web. I, my desktop, and my drywall thank you!
      • JonnyJD_
      • snartal
        That is excellent
      • ocharles
        ruaok: just realised you'll be wanting an invoice - I'll try and get that sent in the next few hours
      • Just scribbling on a whiteboard at the moment though
      • ruaok
      • luks
      • perhaps it would be better to just link to that page from INSTALL.txt
      • snartal
        Heck no!
      • Yea, I link to that page would of been awesome!
      • Though, I didn't get all that stuff.
      • luks
        you can get picard running without all of that
      • but this page gives you everything to build a fully functional installer
      • you don't need things like py2exe or nsis to run picard
      • and you can get gettext some other way, not using mingw
      • snartal
        Yea, I'll +100 adding that link to the install instructions
      • luks