Oh. I guess I might count too, if you don't mean the ones with push access... :p
it is a bit hacky, thanks to python gettext having no support for contexts yet..., i could have use Babel (which does the same thing than me more or less), but i didn't want to add a mandatory dependency
basically it is about to sync attributes in Picard with mb db using the .pot trick we already used for countries
We may have to introduce Babel eventually though, since that will also allow for localisations in e.g. number formatting. ("1.000,00" vs. "1,000.00" vs. "1 000,00" etc.) But yeah, that time is probably not now.
Babel is already used in setup.py but it is only for maintainers (Picard doesn't depend on it, some setup.py commands do)
we have an UI issue concerning release groups: we are using label + slider, hardcoded for now, i don't know what is the best way to change it to use attributes.py
zas: I don't really have much of an opinion on that, sorry. :/
For ui_options_releases though, it looks like it's all the same values(?), except for self.gridLayout.addWidget() and album's score.
Perhaps check if the release type's name is u"Album" and then do the score based on that, and have the rest just use default values. Or hardcode somewhere that album = 001, etc.
But probably luks or Mineo or bitmap have a better idea how to go about it.