

October 1st 2014

      • zas
        Hey ijabz ;)
      • ijabz1
        zas hi
      • liq
        CedricBob & zas - what were the artist names, you guys put on sunday night?
      • ruaok
        yes, please. esp the progressive somethingorother. :)
      • zas
        I remember Hadouk Trio (i heavily recommend the Live @ FIP), for the rest i guess Cedric will be able to answer (music was on his IPad)
      • liq
        Thanks, putting it on right now :P
      • ruaok is having a hard time finding the hadoop trio
      • ruaok
        Oh. :)
      • zas
      • liq
        hadoop ^_^
      • Freso: what was the name of that Zelda vid you showed me?
      • with that annoying sprit
      • sprite
      • ruaok pulls out the dog food
      • ruaok
        ianmcorvidae: we need to update the nagios settings for search indexes.
      • we need to:
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok
        1) add more indexes
      • hm.
      • point 2 is complicated.
      • lets do the easy one.
      • freedb should complain if its more than 33 days old.
      • recording if its more than 32 hours old
      • all the others like 2 hours, ideally.
      • but that would complain when recording is being built.
      • we may want to see how old the indexes are when recording finally gets built.
      • then round up and use that.
      • thoughts?
      • ianmcorvidae
        seems like it should be possible, mostly? I'm finding the right files to see how they currently look
      • ruaok
        the indexes are being synced as we speak.
      • that means we should get an update with index ages in a little while.
      • which should give us clearer directions.
      • ianmcorvidae
        dora is takin forever to let me type things, heh
      • maybe better now, I guess it must have been mid-copy
      • oh right, it's in the search-indexer repo anyway
      • ruaok
      • ianmcorvidae
      • adding more indexes is adding to that list, so that much is easy
      • ruaok
        ah, ok.
      • in that case, I can dial this in.
      • seeing that its in a repo I'm already mucking with.
      • ianmcorvidae
        the other specific stuff is currently done in an if -- freedb is already on warn at 35 days, crit at 40
      • which seems reasonable
      • everything else is currently on warn at 6 hours, crit at 9, I guess?
      • so I guess if you want to do something fancy with allowing more time while the recording index is building (i.e. while it's older) you'd need to check that first. but anyway
      • ruaok
        seems reasonable for now.
      • nikki gets errors trying to search
      • recording index rotation time.
      • that *one* time a day. :)
      • ruaok ways off reosarevok and nikk for summit expenses
      • ianmcorvidae
      • ruaok shudders
      • ruaok
        now I have to dig through my wallet for receipts
      • reosarevok
      • ianmcorvidae
        hm, replication seems to have fallen behind?
      • slash possibly broken
      • hm, but I guess it wasn't the release
      • seven hours ago or something
      • nikki
        it's not the full dump stuff is it?
      • ianmcorvidae
        no, because it's not produced *any* in a while
      • where that one used to skip one then produce more
      • nikki
        ah :/
      • ianmcorvidae
        it seems to have just entirely stopped
      • and my email is taking a long time to load the mailbox that'll help tell me, heh
      • there's not very many rows in dbmirror_pending, which concerns me
      • since that makes it seem like it's clearing the table but not keeping the packets or something :/
      • I'm turning off the hourly cron for now
      • heh or maybe it just made one?
      • weeeeird
      • meh, maybe my browser was doing something stupid in displaying the date and it's fine >_<
      • liq
        zas: which camera do you have? And does there exist a MILC that performances well in lowlight conditions?
      • I have fallen short on my google-kung-fu
      • zas
        Fuji XE-1 (newer versions exist, ie. XE-2 or XT-1, they all shared the same sensor), low light performance is very good for such APS-C sensors
      • Gentlecat
        ruaok: you don't support refunds and chargebacks, right? https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz-server...
      • ruaok
      • Gentlecat
      • liq
        zas: thanks!
      • zas
        liq: fuji lenses are expensive but very high quality (on-par with best nikon glasses, i had those before), and fuji image sensor behaves very well, i shot up to 3200 iso with NR at the min value
      • liq
        zas: I was looking at a Lumix LX7, which is just under the price of your XE-1. But the lumix has no interchangeable lens
      • How much is the wide lens you have, ish?
      • just to give me an idea
      • zas
        you can find second-hand fuji xe-1 under 350€ atm
      • i'm using a full manual samyang 12mm f2.0 i bought new for 280€, a very good piece of glass
      • 35mm 1.4 is around 450€ (new) if i remember
      • you can also use adaptors for mount canikon lenses (manual mode ofc)
      • liq
        I've found the camerahouse to around 450euro for new
      • but yea, the lens is almost the same price as the camera - however I am aware this is not too uncommon ^_^
      • zas
        XE 1 has some issues, AF is slow, electronic viewfinder laggish, etc.. (things much improved in the last iterations)
      • liq
        where are you looking for 2nd hand devices? Cause I cant really find any here in DK
      • the viewfinder is non-issue, but I can understand why one could be slightly annoyed at times ;)
      • or wait, does it only have the EVF?
      • zas
        EVF + rear screen, but EVF is good enough for me (i'm used to optical viewfinders, of cours it is very different), XE-2/XT-1 were improved on this point
      • liq
        Well, for the price difference - I am quite certain I can live with the "lag" too. I don't even dare look at what the new iterations cost
      • Just made the mistake of looking at a X-T1 xD
      • zas
        i'm done with investing in new camera bodies, i'm now buying them 2-3 years after their initial release on second-hand market, and invest in lenses instead (their price are much more stable over the time)
      • liq
        Where do you look for 2nd hand? Ebay or?
      • cause I couldnt really find any, on the danish 2nd sites
      • zas
        i'm looking on dedicated french photo forums first, also real stores often have second hand stuff on their website, then websites like ebay, leboncoin, etc...
      • liq
        Super, thanks! :)
      • ruaok
      • alastairp: just do it in a bot account please. make a new account and let me know the name
      • I'll make a it a bot.
      • and no need for [off]
      • alastairp
        ok. please botify http://musicbrainz.org/user/compmusic_bot so I can upload some cover art :)
      • reosarevok
      • Dammit
      • alastairp
        I'm so excited. I've been trying to upload coverart for 1.5 years
      • ruaok
        adding a link to where the code can be found would be great.
      • reosarevok
        Someone did it already before I could try my admin powers :p
      • A shame :p
      • ruaok
      • alastairp
      • ruaok
        alastairp: done
      • you can try your new powers by marking alastairp as untrusted. ;p
      • alastairp
      • that's OK. I have a bot account at my command now
      • I don't need no stinkin' normal accounts
      • ruaok
        alastairp: you are aware what extra power the bot flag brings, right?
      • alastairp
        if it's not "none", no
      • reosarevok
        Having to give ruaok chocolate, you mean?
      • ruaok
      • 're both right!
      • alastairp