12:03 am
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12:11 am
Mineo: how bi-directional is MineoBot with regards to Wikidata links? Does it update MB if a wikidata link is added on the wikidata side?
12:12 am
no, it does not do that
12:12 am
Mineo: but it will ensure any Wikidata links in MB are reflected in Wikidata, within a day or so...?
12:13 am
how does it handle false positives (cases where there is a Wikidata link in MB, but it is wrong)?
12:14 am
it runs 15 minutes after the hour on rika, so depending on when the replication on rika happens, between 1 and 2 hours
12:14 am
unless, as is the case right now, it just deadlocks :/
12:14 am
12:15 am
ah, I see it hasn't run since the 24th. :-(
12:15 am
12:15 am
yes, it probably just wants me to reenter the password
12:16 am
heh. which password -- Wikidata, MB, or something else?
12:16 am
and instead of just being like "hey, I'm being called from cron and there's no way somebody's going to enter a password here, I'll just exit(1)" or something it waits :/
12:16 am
12:17 am
12:18 am
you don't have it hardcoded? (not that that is a *good* idea, but it would avoid this problem...)
12:21 am
I don't think you can hardcode the password
12:22 am
hm. what framework are you using to access wikidata?
12:25 am
regarding the false positives: it only processes url entities where edits_pending on the entry in url and l_*_url (or l_url_work :P) is 0
12:26 am
and meh, in this case it didn't want the password but just randomly deadlocked
12:26 am
(again :( )
12:26 am
But it will re-add entries if someone at Wikidata objects and removes it?
12:26 am
12:26 am
no, it will only look at each primary entity in mb once
12:27 am
there are some <uuid, timestamp> tables that keep track of the already processed ones
12:27 am
what if someone edits the Wikidata linkage in MB, after the bot has gone over it once? It won't update the linkage on Wikidata?
12:28 am
it won't
12:28 am
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12:29 am
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12:33 am
12:34 am
12:34 am
JesseW will look
12:36 am
Mineo wonders why github still doesn't show comments on your own pull requests in your news feed :/
12:37 am
what does FIF stand for in the context of URL input fields?
12:39 am
is that related to anything I did? because I have no idea :P
12:39 am
no, something else I'm looking at. :-)
12:39 am
sorry for the confusion
12:41 am
then I'll take this chance to hop into bed - it's already 1:42 am over here
12:41 am
gute nacht
12:45 am
g'night! thanks for the links and anwers
12:46 am
and thanks for restarting the bot!
12:56 am
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4:05 am
Mineo (if you read the logs) -- I think the bot has deadlocked again...
4:07 am
It hasn't run since 0:38 UTC
4:21 am
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4:29 am
I'm getting test failures in beta -- specifically, the DeleteEditor test
4:43 am
ignore it -- I didn't have Markdown installed.
5:47 am
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michaeljames: The search server in SVN is completely outdated, you should be using a git checkout instead.
8:18 am
legoktm: thanks
8:20 am
8:20 am
It’s probably going away soon anyway.
8:21 am
8:21 am
doesn't it have data that isn't copied elsewhere on it still?
8:22 am
I don’t think so, I believe everything still relevant has been archived.
8:22 am
8:22 am
it would still be better to have a soft redirect, as it is apparently pretty widely linked...
8:22 am
However, when “soon” will be is another question. :)
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12:53 pm
I've installed the musicbrainz mirror according to INSTALL.md but don't know how to keep it in sync as this part is not covered in the guide
12:58 pm
are there any Upstart or SysVinit scripts that you're using?
12:59 pm
I think you need to put admin/cron/slave.sh into cron and run it hourly
12:59 pm
(to update the db itself)
1:00 pm
to update things like the search server, I have no idea how we do that
1:02 pm
the servers seem ridiculously slow lately...
1:03 pm
it's taking so long to enter edits that I keep switching to something else to pass the time while I wait
1:04 pm
Maybe it's all a plot to make us try bookbrainz :p
1:04 pm
it didn't work :P
1:04 pm
I ended up editing wikidata a bit instead
1:40 pm
1:43 pm
nvm, i figured it out
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oh yay, from slow to instant 504s, nice
5:59 pm
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6:13 pm
Am I the only one having a high 504 frequency?
6:14 pm
nikki: thanks
6:16 pm
Oh, I guess nikki was gaving some too.
6:17 pm
I had one. mostly the site is just sloooow
6:43 pm
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7:12 pm
bookbrainz also throwing 504s
7:13 pm
And Geordi.
7:16 pm
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7:16 pm
I'm trying to set up a headphones vm, and when I start it, it just spools up to 100% CPU and I can't ssh to it.
7:16 pm
Is the current downloadable VM still working?
7:24 pm
anyone here?
7:26 pm
7:26 pm
it should be, what server are you using etc?
7:27 pm
running the vm in Ubuntu Server 14.04 headless.
7:27 pm
7:27 pm
I have a Win7 vm running fine, but this MusicBrainz server just sits at 100%.
7:28 pm
I gave it 1 CPU and 2048 RAM.
7:28 pm
running on an Intel G1610 2.6GHz Celeron.
7:31 pm
any ideas derwin?
7:33 pm
I don't know, unfortunately
7:33 pm
I have not had that experience on ubuntu headless
7:34 pm
I just removed/unregistered the vm and re-imported it, and same thing. Just spins at 100%
7:37 pm
does MusicBrainz need to be running 24/7?
7:37 pm
if not, I'll just try to install it on my desktop OS, and run it occasionally.
7:40 pm
is the server 32-bit or 64-bit, derwin?
7:40 pm
the VM, that is.
7:42 pm
Meh, I'll try 64-bit and see if it works.
7:42 pm
And soon, I'll give up on this, b/c I don't even understand what MusicBrainz is.
7:52 pm
I found the problem - when I use the vm in VirtualBox in OSX, it's waiting for me to choose Ubuntu from a list
7:53 pm
7:53 pm
that's weird, it should default
7:53 pm
I just need to know how to actually see the VM, when I'm starting the VM from the command line.
7:53 pm
I've run it headless
7:53 pm
pretty sure, but maybe not the most recent
7:53 pm
derwin: I'm sure it's just a first run thing
8:21 pm
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9:22 pm
Geordi is really running badly today. :( Half the time, the field for entering an MBID never appears when doing the "Match this item" button. :(
9:29 pm
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Freso: I'll restart the process, dunno if it'll help
10:33 pm
ianmcorvidae: It seems to be general MB thing though, not just a Geordi/rika thing.
10:33 pm
that's part of the being unsure it'll help :) but I figured it was worth a shot
10:35 pm
Freso: not that geordi's on rika, if that's what you meant, but :)
10:36 pm
Right. :p