

April 1st 2015

      • Gentlecat
        swapnilgt (if you read logs): you need to set up config file (it's in the docs)
      • ianmcorvidae
        bitmap: at some point you made MBJenkins reappear, it seems to have gotten lost in the twisty passages of the 'net again since it didn't announce after I merged a patch to schema-change-2015-q2
      • swapnilgt
        Gentlecat: Got it.. thanks a lot !!
      • bitmap
        iirc I may have just restarted it through the web ui when that happened
      • bitmap tries that
      • swapnilgt
        one more thing.. I want to import the data dump in the location other than the default postgresql location....
      • do we have any config to mention that in AB-server code?
      • I found a doc explaining how to do this... http://www.postgresql.org/docs/6.3/static/c0702...
      • alastairp
        you mean you want your data directory for postgres to be different?
      • what OS?
      • swapnilgt
        ubuntu 14.04
      • the location where i load the dump into
      • i want it to be different from the default location ..
      • Gentlecat
        why not create another database?
      • LordSputnik
        BookBrainz has launched! https://bookbrainz.org
      • navap: ping?
      • navap
        LordSputnik: pong
      • LordSputnik
        navap: was going to ask about the BB twitter details - Leftmost forgot to give them to me earlier. However, I suspect that he'll probably have updated the password...
      • chirlu`
        chirlu` has changed the topic to: Deep freeze week | Agenda: reviews/general discussion, GSoC (ruaok), next release date (chirlu)
      • Leo_Verto
        hmm, ever considered setting up https for the JIRA?
      • chirlu`
        Leo_Verto: No, we made tickets for it, but that doesn’t mean considering it.
      • bitmap
        upgrading jira is probably a bigger priority as far as allocating sysadmin time, but I'm sure https will happen eventually
      • chirlu`
        Gentlecat: The random selection of customer logos on the MeB start page includes those from hidden tiers, is that intentional?
      • Gentlecat
        it includes all "featured" customers no matter what tier they are in
      • I'm still waiting for some feedback on that
      • chirlu`
        So featured is a separate flag?
      • Just trying to make sure users from the stealth tier aren’t exposed by accident. :)
      • On the other hand, the cheapos aren’t shown anywhere else now, as far as I can see.
      • Gentlecat
        yes, it's separate
      • chirlu`
        ianmcorvidae: The real name part in your recent commits is “ianmcorvidae”, not sure if you want it that way.
      • bitmap sighs at Controller::Role::RelationshipEditor
      • bitmap
        but at least we only have two main code paths for relationship editing and not three as we used to
      • Form::Role::CheckDuplicates might be a good start at moving away from FormHandler, since it's fairly self-contained