

June 1st 2015

      • dufferzafar
      • I couldn't make sense of the entity_id number
      • So, I tried replacing with a UUID
      • Mineo
        dufferzafar: that's the row number/id column of the release-group table
      • dufferzafar
        Isn't there an endpoint that takes in UUIDs?
      • Leo_Verto
        dufferzafar, you could use the XML API instead https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development/XML_Web...
      • dufferzafar
        Leo_Verto: Thanks, I'll have a look.
      • Gentlecat
        dufferzafar: I think you skipped some commits from "rating" branch that I was working on
      • let me see if I can restore it
      • dufferzafar
        the rating branch?
      • Gentlecat
        yes, it is removed from both github and bitbucket for some reason
      • dufferzafar
        I already have it. I'd cloned your branch quite some time ago. :)
      • Gentlecat
        it's outdated
      • dufferzafar
        and yes, I seem to have missed two of the commits.
      • Gentlecat
        and I see that you are redoing same things
      • dufferzafar
      • Gentlecat
        looks pretty important :)
      • dufferzafar
        Gentlecat: On the release group page, I'm displaying average rating if a user is not logged in, and a User's rating otherwise.
      • no issues, right?
      • Gentlecat
        that's fine, I guess
      • dufferzafar
        I still need to work on rating a release group without actually writing a review.
      • Apart from that, what do you think still needs to be done?
      • Gentlecat
        I still don't understand how you cherry pick commits btw
      • dufferzafar
        I just pick them, but don't actually commit!
      • Gentlecat
        solving issues with sync, if you still want to keep ratings locally in cb
      • we make way too many requests to MB even without that
      • dufferzafar
        that is one of the reasons, i don't think it makes sense to keep them in cb too
      • what happens if a user updates their rating of a release group from mb?
      • Gentlecat
        then you need to fetch them every time for each review
      • I don't know solution, that's why it's unfinished
      • dufferzafar
        i was thinking of NOT showing the rating with a review
      • just showing it with a release group
      • Gentlecat
        what if people want to associate a rating with their review?
      • dufferzafar
        they're writing a review, but the rating is still associated with the release right?
      • Gentlecat
        it should be associated with entity that review is being written for (currently it's release group)
      • dufferzafar
        what if we don't sync the changes? so a review's 'rating' will be updated only when the user updates the review
      • Gentlecat
        1:33:06 AM <dufferzafar> what happens if a user updates their rating of a release group from mb?
      • it will be outdated
      • maybe we need to decide if it should be separate
      • dufferzafar
        i'm getting a feeling that the pull i created will have the same fate as the old one...
      • it's the same thing, with just a different ratings plugin!
      • Gentlecat
        I told you it's not as simple as it looks
      • try asking for more feedback, maybe someone else has a better idea
      • work on something else in the meantime
      • dufferzafar
        okay, I'll write a mail to the devel list explaining the problem
      • Gentlecat
        you can also extract a few improvements into separate pull requests
      • dufferzafar
        yeah, i need to look into the other pulls too
      • btw, we're still supposed to reply to the "Dev Chat Reminder" posts; explaining what we did in the week, like the last time, right?
      • bitmap
        no, we switched to doing reviews in the meetings
      • but you can still reply to the email if you want, especially if you can't make the meetings
      • dufferzafar
        i'll reply to the mail, as i need to go somewhere early morning tomorrow.
      • bitmap
        meeting time!
      • and ruaok put me in charge for some reason
      • ianmcorvidae
      • moin everyone
      • Gentlecat
        yay! meetings
      • bitmap
        I'll start with his update since it's already written
      • <ruaok>
      • My week consisted of:
      • - Chasing people to give us money: BMAT, Wolfram Alpha, Songkick
      • - Keep up with requests from the new MetaBrainz site.
      • - Running around london meeting up with people: BBC, Byta, 2Pears
      • - Attending and espousing about MB at the Web We Want conference
      • Back to mainly sysadmin work this week once I get home.
      • </ruaok>
      • anyone else want to go next, or should I?
      • ianmcorvidae
        I can go whenever
      • bitmap
        ok, go ahead
      • ianmcorvidae
      • so most of my week was working on reviewing stuff, and working on finishing up the collections stuff
      • the work collections bits and bitmap's work on the credits UI should go into the release I'll do after this meeting plus lunch, accordingly
      • MBJenkins
        * Ian McEwen: Clear memcached at the end of SetLanguageFrequencies, as mentioned in TODO
      • * Michael Wiencek: Merge relationship credits
      • ianmcorvidae
        I also did some work on hopefully getting us to the bottom of the pgbouncer process consumption problems we've been having that have been resulting in the 502s
      • MBJenkins
        * Michael Wiencek: Add UI to change all relationship credits on the page
      • * Michael Wiencek: Fix WS::js::Release test
      • * Michael Wiencek: Remove unused FormRenderer methods
      • * Ian McEwen: Normalize URLs provided to the 'resource' parameter of /ws/2/url, as normalized upon insertion, before looking them up.
      • * Ulrich Klauer: INSTALL.md: Correct extension for signature files
      • * Ulrich Klauer: INSTALL.md: Move JSON::XS to the database section
      • * Ian McEwen: Also produce a SHA256SUMS file for data dumps, for a more cryptographically secure hashsum.
      • ianmcorvidae
        quiet, bot
      • anyway
      • bitmap
      • ianmcorvidae
        where was I
      • bitmap
        that was the per-pid log stuff I guess
      • ianmcorvidae
        right, I have a PR up, though not ready to merge, about logging which requests each individual worker PID makes to log files
      • yeah
      • bitmap
      • ianmcorvidae
        the goal there being, we have stuck processes that seem to be what are holding those processes, so hopefully with a record of what their last request was we can figure it out
      • or at least figure out if that'll help us figure it out :P
      • thursday through sunday I was up in phoenix for phoenix comicon and didn't get much done, anyway, so fin
      • bitmap
      • my review is short since I pretty much worked on the tags voting UI the entire week
      • there's a pull request up now with lots of good comments about how to make the UI better, but hopefully it'll make next release
      • that's MBS-4145 btw
      • mb-chat-logger
      • bitmap
        I worked on a few smaller tickets too, mostly making the track parser suck less wrt data tracks
      • but I think that's about it
      • fin
      • any of our gsoc students here/have updates they wanna share?
      • weeksio
        not really, I spent the last week trying to get up to speed and learning how Mineo's stuff works
      • The ball is officially about to get rolling
      • bitmap
      • weeksio
        Mineo has been quite patient and helpful as has ianmcorvidae with all my questions
      • that all I got
      • bitmap
      • Gentlecat
        I ported new theme to acousticbrainz and started thinking how to implement other features that we need for dataset editing/viewing
      • ianmcorvidae
        dufferzafar sent an email to the list about his week
      • bitmap
        ruchiranga was around yesterday, I'll have to ask him for an update on his stuff