ruaok pretty sure on that... it worked fine for a bit and then i wanted to change how things are renamed, it crashed while saving and now crashes everytime i try to read tthose files
djce finds voting a lot easier after remembering that "abstain" is a perfectly good choice, for some mods
djce: ;-)
duncf: That helps a lot.
The crashing while saving probably put both the files and the tagger into an unknown state.
Can you do me a favor and attempt to narrow down which file(s) it crashes on?
If you can isolate one file that would be best.
Right, that's enough voting. Back to coding.
Rotty has quit
ruaok: I'll try to do that some time.... im in linux right now though
ruaok: in relation to your suggestion about a new way of doing track searching, it so happens there's an interesting kind of article on on the subject of searching.
I don't know how much you're into reading articles or understanding search algorithms, but it looked pretty interesting at first glance.
That LJ stuff is interesting. What's the background behind it?
I like that article. I will have to take the time to read it in detail.
I got really turned on by the Big Flip essay that was referenced in my post.
A world where we can dump the record labels and have the internet do everything they do would be optimal.
Getting bloggers to talk about indie/unsigned music seems like a good way to disseminate music info.
So I contacted the authors of LJ and asked if they wanted to work with MB.
And the answer was very positive.
Seems less so from the bloggers themselves - mainly the Amazon thing.
But the feedback wasn't. I've written an updated proposal that Brad is reviewing and once he is happy with that we'll repost and get the music LJ communities to chime in.
Yes, the Amazon support was the first thing to go.
I have to say, the whole world of blogging pretty much passes me by. I suppose I just don't "get it".
one sec...
But if there's an audience willing to use MB, that's almost certainly good.
I'm back.
And yes, that audience is a good thing. Especially if we have the amamzon integration.
I s'pose there's always opt-in
I'd like the LJ site to link closely to the MB site and this we would get some traffic and some sales.
Its not dead in the water yet -- we'll have to see.
But the thing that I liked is that LJ is up to sponsoring a portion of the development.
And some money in my pocket is a good thing. :-)
Interesting, indeed...
I'm amazed how well people take our responses in @support.
People come in all pissed off and just tune it down quickly.
I think a lot of them are just amazed and pleased at how quickly we get back to them.
I suppose a quick response with good answers helps.
and that we're human, not some ticketed, anonymous, clueless support monkeys.
ok, i'm off to write a grant for the helixcommunity