

May 1st 2004

      • ArdentSi1ent
        so busy in here tonight
      • jwatk03: y0
      • jwatk03
      • ArdentSi1ent
        what's shaking?
      • you watching cardinals/cubs game?
      • jwatk03
        nope, i'm trying to setup the mb directories so I can create my patch for the mb client library...
      • ArdentSi1ent
      • jwatk03
        cool, tomb raider movie is on fox channel... i'll watch some of that... ;)
      • ArdentSi1ent
        no way, go cubbies!
      • jwatk03
        i'm surprised how good they have been doing, i would have liked to see them play the yankees in the world series last season... cubs vs. yankees
      • just the thought of the two teams mentioned in the same sentence is enough to make your heart stop
      • ArdentSi1ent
      • been a cubbies fan forever
      • finally
      • i can at least stand to watch them play
      • even if they don;t go all the way
      • they entertain and suprise me
      • Knio
        Knio is now known as Knio-dinner
      • Knio-dinner
        Knio-dinner is now known as Knio
      • jwatk03
        think the cubs can still pull it off? it's close
      • ArdentSi1ent
        i dunno
      • we'll see
      • wood still in, a good sign
      • he's got a low pitch count tonight
      • st. louis bullpen could screw up
      • good game here
      • SuperPhly
        Spurs in 6!
      • jwatk03
        what a bunt
      • ArdentSi1ent
        good thing it was foul
      • go cubs go
      • jwatk03
        the pitcher is going to have a long ride home...
      • ArdentSi1ent
      • he's bending over, no doubt
      • rar
      • jwatk03_
        jwatk03_ is now known as jwatk03
      • Knio
        Knio is now known as Knio-sleep
      • djce rebuilds test.mb.org ...
      • daaavid
        what should i enter for release year if it's a rerelease of an old album that also includes bonus tracks?
      • ArdentSi1ent
      • djce
        Personally, I'd say the year of re-release.
      • Though that may not be the opinion of MB as a whole :-)
      • daaavid
        but i like release years 'cause they give me a sense of music history =(
      • using the re-release date would mess that up
      • well, this neil guy who voted on my moderation claimed that i was breaking the guidelines by using the original release date
      • but i couldn't find that particular rule on the wiki or on the webpage
      • djce
        neil is kind of always right, almost by definition, on these things.
      • We ask him to make up the rules that the rest of us follow, style-wise.
      • daaavid
      • djce
        I'd suggest you ask neil if the rule in question is actually on the web site or the wiki somewhere.
      • if not, we'll get it added.
      • I expect.
      • (that is, as long as you're talking about the moderator called "neil". If it's someone else, all bets are off).
      • djce is away: bye
      • ruaok
      • Ick.
      • Groan.
      • Gotta go.
      • later kids!
      • icepick-away
        icepick-away is now known as icepick
      • daaavid
        anyone here listen to the pixies?
      • if there are several release dates for an album in the database, which one does the tagger use?
      • djce
        daaavid: the first
      • and I only know one Pixies song.
      • daaavid
        i think i just found a bug
      • i have an album i'm taggin that has several release dates
      • it puts the first one in the list into the id3 tag and the last one in the filename
      • birkett
      • blizzow
      • birkett
        I found a cd that I have in the database, but the trm it has for some of the tracks don't match what I get when I compute it myself. How do I add my versions?
      • blizzow
        you can tell the tagger that your tracks are misidentified and then from the unidentified tab, select the song and click on the trm tag next to the track on the bottom pane of the tagger.
      • birkett
        Ah - I don't have tagger because it's only avaliable for windows. Can I do the same thing on the website?
      • blizzow
        no, but you can use the tunepimp application.
      • You can download it off the site.
      • birkett
        ok, I'll have a look at that then
      • blizzow
        the ui sux, but it's better than nothing.
      • birkett
      • I see what you mean about the ui :-)
      • Is tagger likely to get ported?
      • DcGoodYea
      • djce is back (gone 05:46:50)
      • any musicbrainz query experts out and about?
      • djce
        birkett: ported, yes. A cross-platform one is in the works.
      • DcGoodYea: I'm not an expert, but I have the source, and I /might/ be able to help.
      • birkett
      • DcGoodYea
        great, let me just try one more thing before I ask dumb questions...give me a couple mins
      • djce
      • birkett
        I'm trying to submit some trm id's (usign the tunepimp console client) and it's giving me "Submit error: Unknown user." whenever I try, but the username and password I gave it are the same as the ones I signed up with...
      • djce
        birkett: check which server it's using.
      • it might be using the test server by default.
      • birkett
        there doesn't seem to be a command to show the server it's using, but I can change it. What's the correct server address?
      • djce
      • if you type "?" it shows the current options
      • e.g. for me it says:
      • u <server name> Use MB server (test.musicbrainz.org)
      • (as well as lots of other output)
      • birkett
        oh, sorry. I thought test.musicbrainz.org was an example :-)
      • djce
        that's the current setting.
      • remember, the UI sucks :-)
      • birkett
      • you know if the windows version will work in wine? It has to be better than this...
      • djce
        I don't know much about operating Wine. I've heard it can be done, but have no idea how.
      • birkett
        ah. I'll give it a go.
      • well, it just seems to give me an error and then die, so never mind :-)
      • DcGoodYea
        are there in examples around of query code? for example, I used the MusicBrainz.MBQ_FindArtistByName to find the artist, now I want to loop through the result set, getting each records name...
      • I try using MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectArtist, but that doesn't seem to be working for me
      • djce
        I don't know offhand; I'll see what examples I can find, and get to you.
      • DcGoodYea
      • thnx
      • i figured it out djce
      • djce
      • djce is away: bye
      • orogor_
        orogor_ is now known as orogor
      • icepick
        Pipian: you around/