Could I get some yes votes on these? And, if that wont work on the second merge added, please let me know. I'll delete both mods and make it one.
dbglt joined the channel
hey folks
I get the error "Tunepimp (MusicBrainz tagging library) returned the following error: ".mp3 is not a supported filetype."." when trying to fill in tags using MusicBrainz (via Amarok) - is there some other package I need to install?
Rhymeless joined the channel
Hey, is there anybody who could take a look at something for me?
did you run libconfig?
Is that it?
I can Rhymeless.. if it's not linux specific. :D
Not at all.
just a confusing mb merge
the libconfig was to dbglt
I'll try. :D
everyone seems to be having dev questions and those.. I just am not very smart on. :D
looking up, I see 3 versions of the album Katamari Fortissimo Damacy.
(well, 4, but only 3 count.)
they have the same number of tracks and same tracks, but there's different translations on all 3
Yep, I see them
it needs to be merged (especially to get rid of the namco-artist one)
I think.... (and I've just skimmed for a very brief few moments to get the best "feel" without delving too deeply.) This would be the one you should merge into. It's got the most complete information. Let me check times though real quick.
Yeah, definitely merge to that oen. It's also got the disc id.
IMO it is problem and since both current setup and swapping will not fix it completely it should be left as it is now.
Nyght reading
I don't know a ton about last fm, save that they don't handle artists with the same name well at all. Even after the artists have been separated on MB. (I'll give you a good example to post.) I think you did good research and I think you offered them a fair solution of making the edits themselves and you would vote yes on them
Well, yeah, if he's up to it I guess I'll vote. I just wish to emphatize that this will most likely break another part of listing: group members.