

November 1st 2006

      • mustaqila_ has dark red hair now! :D
      • ruaok wants to see a pic
      • mustaqila_ has no camera to hand
      • mustaqila_
        Maybe in the office tomorrow after everyone comes to terms with the fact I did dare do it :P
      • nightgroove
        opera to the rescue! moose hair!
      • erh did I just say /moose/ hair?
      • I ment muz hair
      • really
      • o.O
      • nightgroove goes backt to bed
      • can't
      • its' soooo early
      • but late for you.. hahaha
      • mustaqila_
      • keschte
      • Prodoc
      • is it me or has the amount of IRC users in this channel dropped significantly lately?
      • juhae
        well, i don't recall many of us talking a lot anyhow ;)
      • at least during the hours i've been awake
      • Prodoc
        mornin' keschete
      • keschte
        hi there
      • Prodoc
        juhae, yeah but the list of users used to be a lot longer
      • by the way, who was the one developing on last.fm and active on MB again?
      • juhae
      • mustaqila that is :)
      • Prodoc
        thanks, lets see if he's awake already
      • Prodoc prods Muz
      • yllona
        he was here a few minutes ago
      • Prodoc
        he might be buzzy one their server problems they appear to have at the moment ;-)
      • with their latest server update they just stole an idea I had for the future of MB :-(
      • They've got events now
      • juhae
        how did you plant to implement them in mb?
      • keschte
        yeah, the future of mb :)
      • Prodoc
        It can't be done at the moment, and it sure shouldn't be implemented before NGS, but it seemed to me to be the next logical step after that
      • create list of all gigs a band/artist did
      • specify festivals and whcih bands performed there
      • specify set lists for each performance or tour
      • link bootlegs to performances
      • specify dates and locations of performances
      • you name it
      • keschte
        btw, last.fm isn't reachable atm right?
      • Prodoc
      • keschte
        well, i don't see much development for mb_server.
      • in this pace, NGS won't happen anytime in the next 3 years i'm afraid.
      • Freso
        nightgroove: Bloody... it's snowing here as well right now...
      • Prodoc
        keschte, I know
      • Freso
        But then, it *is* the first day o Winter.
      • Prodoc
        but I think it will change at some stage
      • at least I hope so ;-)
      • I'm working on a plan to be able to work on MB as a project for uni
      • this way I can spend the time I should spend on uni working on a project of my interest, which helps the both of us
      • mustaqila_
        Prodoc, ?
      • (I fell asleep again, it's far too early ;))
      • Prodoc
        mornin' mustaqile_
      • mustaqila_
      • Prodoc
        I'd like to thank you for nothing :-P
      • mustaqila_
        Oh :(
      • Prodoc
        with your latest server update you just stole an idea I had for the future of MB ;-)
      • the events system
      • nice one though
      • mustaqila_
        Hardly stolen, we had this thing coded and written last year at Christmas time :P
      • Prodoc
        how far are you planning on taking it on last.fm?
      • mustaqila_
        It just could never be released for various reasons, and it got a lot more love and attention and polished up to speed ;)
      • Prodoc, errrrm, "very" (?)
      • Shrike
        Anyone know of a good music playet for Windows that properly handles networks and serveral different music locations?
      • Prodoc
        set lists?
      • mustaqila_
        We've a few ideas kicking about concerning them, and they'll come with time
      • Prodoc, yup that's be considered
      • *been
      • Prodoc
        maybe last.fm and MB could team up again at a later stage
      • mustaqila_
        I'm not going to comment there :P
      • Prodoc
      • mustaqila_
        (NOt that we don't want to team with MB, we do, and have done in the past)
      • mustaqila_ needs to go do his hair for the day... brb
      • Prodoc will start typing a long story for you to read when you get back
      • Prodoc
        I'd like to express my concerns about one aspect of last.fm
      • I've been using AudioScrobbler at an early stage and I'm sorry to admit it but I lost interest in it after they merged with last.fm
      • I was in it for the stats, nothing more nothing less
      • I've been 'scrobblin'' ever since but I didn't use the actual website a lot
      • looked at the user and group stats every now and again but that's it
      • from the point of the merge till recently, last.fm has made some huge steps if it comes to functionality
      • on the site
      • yllona
        prodoc: if you like the stats that much, download the DB and knock yourself out
      • Prodoc
      • that not the issue, one moment
      • yllona
        there's an awesome open source statistical package, BTW
      • perhaps more powerful package than SASS?SPSS
      • *SASS/SPSS
      • Prodoc
        I recently started using the last.fm site a bit more but the sudden (to me) increase of features was quite overwhelming
      • yllona
        pull the RRS feeds into wahtever page design you want
      • Prodoc
        I can't even imagine how a new user will feel when he get's confornted with it
      • the problem is that all those things aren't as selfexplanatory as you might think they are
      • yllona
        seems that these new-fangled users love that shiny stuff on all sites
      • IBM even updated the alphaworks site for the 10th anniversary -- it's all shiny too
      • Prodoc
        I think it's important to create an actual help section, documenting the site and it's features instead of just a forum and an faq
      • yllona
        help is at the bottom of the page
      • realize that the october release is not "official" yet -- press releases go out later this week
      • so it may not quite be finished....
      • Prodoc
        help of what? doesn't it take you to the same page as when you click on the help menu item at the top?
      • yllona
        i can't get to the site from the US to Level3 is down (again)
      • otherwise i'd assist you
      • Prodoc
        can't check it either
      • yllona
        i can't get to the BBC either. i've isolated it to level3
      • Prodoc
        But I wasn't able to find anything usefull if it comes to help on certain aspect of the site
      • yllona
        cogentco and other peering services to the UK are okay
      • Prodoc
      • mustaqila_
        Prodoc, usablity is an issue of ours which we want to keep in mind, and as such it's something that is to be addressed soon. If you personally don't like the "social" features of the site, you can always just not use them
      • yllona
        i can't connect to anything routed through level3 from the US
      • mustaqila_
        There're plenty of Greasemonkey mods out there for statsgeeks like you
      • mustaqila_ must dash though, needs to get into the office
      • Prodoc
        ok, I'll shut up then
      • I wanted to address some specifics but it can wait
      • mustaqila_
        Bear in mind, I'm not a designer, so I don't get final say, or much say for that matter, on various aspects of the site's aesthetics