

December 1st 2008

      • Kerensky97
        Wow, I like when labels get their music listed to buy on last.fm as soon as it comes out.
      • Jormangeud^
        Jormangeud^ is now known as Jormangeud
      • CatCat
        that's cool Kerensky97
      • hello warp
      • warp
        time-of-day CatCat
      • CatCat
        lets be total geeks and talk on irc while we sit next to eachother
      • very dark here, no?
      • warp likes dark.
      • in the summer its very light :)
      • loi
      • lol the cat
      • lauri
        ruaok, you about?
      • ruaok
      • lauri
        could you yell at jesus2099 a wee bit :)
      • ruaok
      • lauri
        copy editing the english in people's discussion comments and personal pages all over the wiki
      • ruaok
        got example?
      • lauri
      • not that he hit me, but, if he does, i'll pour all kinds of vitriol on him
      • (I know, it's minor, and not really your problem, but a short note from you will certainly be more diplomatic than anything I will come up with :)
      • ruaok
        why is this a problem? the changes I see are correcting english.
      • at least the changes are correct, from what I can tell.
      • the only downside I can really see is that he's spamming the recentchanges as a side-effect.
      • but perhaps I spot checked the wrong links.
      • lauri
        I just find it obnoxious to correct people's comments (in a discussion) and/or personal pages (he edited muz' bio for instance)
      • ruaok
        I've just seen then -> than
      • have you mentioned this to him.
      • and, I think you're going to be safe since your english is good. :)
      • lauri
        I don't know how, and he hates me anyway, so it'll be a war
      • ruaok
        and this is not a war worth fighting is it?
      • lauri
      • ruaok
        imho, it would be better if you prodded the people in question (e.g. muz) and ask them to ask him to stop editing their person comments/pages.
      • lauri
        but this guy... he gets 'an idea' and does hundreds of edits, then posts on the forum asking if it's a good idea :)
      • not sure he's safe to let loose on the wiki in that manner, is all
      • ruaok
        short of stepping on people's toes and correcting personal speech, I see his changes as positive overall.
      • lauri
        maybe I'm just cranky this morning :)
      • ruaok
      • it he was causing havoc, I'd say it time to address the issue. but his intentions appear to be good.
      • lauri
        and... you really think muz will manage to be more diplomatic than me :)
      • ruaok
      • ok, perhaps not.
      • but you get my point about "violated parties" kvetching...
      • alastairp
      • Kerensky98
        I just wonder where he gets the time to nitpick little corrections. I've got a backlog of "stacks" of of releases that need to be added to the database but no time.
      • ruaok
      • lauri
        heh, this is the guy who caused an edit war because I merged Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney with Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
      • alastairp
      • lauri
        it's vital to keep them both! because on some songs, MJ sings first! and on others he doesn't!
      • Kerensky98
        Most of the edits I've seen him do in Japanese releases is small stuff, but correct.
      • lauri
        the reason he gets in trouble is, as i said, he gets 'an idea' and then does 300 edits, and _then_ asks for opinions
      • Kerensky98
        I've noticed that too.
      • lauri
        by then, a lot of people have their backs up, and object out of principle
      • if he'd just do one, ask in the note for opinions, he'd probably get 'well, sure' a lot of the time and he could go his merry way
      • Kerensky98
        I just no voted him for something like that. He took the (live) part off all the live songs on a mixed release.
      • He's right that technically it's a "Proposed Guideline" (since 2005) and that they're not on the CD cover. But everywhere else I look people are putting on (live) to live releases as the guideline says so I voted no, unfortunately he's so busy tagging that he's already done alot of edits like that.
      • lauri
        heehee, i just noticed he had time to (4 months after I already fixed the name to his satisfaction) annotate the MJ & PM track with who sung first
      • I should not look at edit histories
      • on a more useful note: do you think it's ok to put the Vienna Boys Choir sortname into english
      • we usually only do that for non-latin names, but, well this is classical stuff, i probably shouldn't touch it
      • MClemo
        other german/austrian artists still have their german sortnames
      • lauri
      • Kerensky98
        I've learned to avoid anything to do with classical. There's enough weird rules to remember with normal Musicbrainz.
      • lauri
        Yeah, that's why I'm doubtful
      • but there's got to be a billion compilation cd's out there with 'Vienna Boys Choir' in english on their covers
      • ruaok
        ok, I'm going to push the latest changes to the server.
      • so, be warned a bounce is coming up.
      • lauri
        and such people tagging it are probably already turned onto the 'name translation' thing for Tchaikovsky et al
      • ruaok
      • MClemo
        lauri: I would be confused to have it sorted under V and search under W...
      • lauri
        "Vienna Boys Choir goes Pop" by Wiener Sängerknaben, would probably be very odd to many casual users or listeners
      • MClemo
        then again I'm german ;)
      • lauri
        MClemo: heh, that's kind of my point, it's equally as weird for the rest of us to have to go look under W for it :)
      • MClemo
        ruaok: some bugfixes?
      • Kerensky98
        Yeah, I'd have no idea to look there.
      • MClemo
        lauri: then the artist name would have to change to and that is against guidelines afaik
      • ruaok
        MClemo: yep. see the bug tracker and the last 5 or so bugs fixed on the 20081123 release
      • lauri
        yeah, this is a not fixable one
      • MClemo
        ruaok: nice :)
      • Amblin
        Amblin is now known as Guest18430
      • ruaok
        we still have quite a few bugs to fix... :-(
      • lauri
        luckily i have no entire albums by them
      • doubt i even have any tracks, boy choirs is not precisely my thing
      • and them covering 'genie in a bottle' and 'my heart will go on' sounds quite terrifying
      • MClemo
      • I have a London Symphony Orchestra disc playing Rolling Stones
      • that's quite good
      • lauri
        I guess it's just one of those weekly merges then :)
      • MClemo: oh, i have them doing pink floyd, also pretty cool
      • MClemo
        have to check that out then
      • lauri
        they did a whole series of those, i believe
      • MClemo
        but I can't figure "genie in a bottle" by a boys choir :)
      • that really sounds terrifying
      • lauri
        it gets worse: 'Burning down the house' is also on that album
      • MClemo
      • srotta
        I have Rajaton and Lahti Symphony Orchestra playing Abba. :P
      • MClemo
        ha, Eternal Flame!
      • srotta
        Which is cool. And apparently their Queen record is better.
      • lauri
        abba or queen, i can figure out... but could you listen to a boys choir doing either?
      • actually, that might work better than genie in a bottle
      • srotta
        Listening to boys choir in general...
      • MClemo
        can you hear the drums, Fernando?
      • Kerensky98
        "Get Down"? The KC and the sunshine band version?
      • Vienna Boys Choir Goes Funk
      • lauri
        now has a boys choir rendition of 'does your mother know' stuck in my head
      • MClemo
        see, they grow on you ;)
      • lauri
        like a fungus
      • MClemo
      • I hate it when I have a crappy song stuck in my head all day
      • lauri
        mclemo: I have a 9 year old
      • and about 2 months ago, our cable provider kindly gave us disney channel for free
      • since then, the only things stuck in my head have been by either hannah montana or the jonas brothers
      • MClemo
        wait a couple of years and you get something different to hear probably
      • like a boy group or something
      • if it's a girl
      • lauri
        jonas brothers is a boy group :)
      • MClemo
        don't know them
      • lauri
        they should be arrested for crimes against pop music
      • MClemo
      • lauri
        my older daughter was a pre-teen in the golden age of the spice girls n'sync and backstreet boys, lucky me
      • MClemo
        oh god
      • lauri
        now she listens to jeff buckley, j-pop, trance and way too much kmfdm
      • MClemo
        weird combination ;)
      • lauri
        oh and hans zimmer, she has a total thing for him
      • alastairp
        hans zimmer is awesome
      • RifRaf
        does anyone know if wildcards should work in the ignore tags list for lastfm genres or folksonomy? like ,the word *,
      • ruaok
        hey lauri... there is a candy here called "swedish fish".