experienced mb folk: what are your thoughts on an "All-State Choir" type artist -- that is... I have some discs from the Arizona High School All-State Choir festival; the albumartist on that is hard to decide
(the choir performing is a per-year audition-in ensemble from across the state)
Mineo: Hmm, yes, but that seems to apply more to actual discs with one opera on them? It seems a bit of a cumbersome set of track names to inflict on this particular disc...
Ok, I understand that. Sorry, what I meant is that Philip Glass probably didn't have any "intent" naming the tracks on this particular CD. He named the songs, which both options agree with exactly, but the question is the "metadata" in the track names.
Really don't think this chap was born / died on the same dates as Johann Sebastian Bach
what does it mean when picard tags by folksonomy ?
I've looked up folksonomy and folksonomy tagging but I'm not sure how picard would use it for genres
People on MusicBrainz tend to use genres as tags for releases.
should I enable folsonomy tagging for genres ?
ijabz joined the channel
is there a way to have picard play a music file so that I can verify that it is the correct song ?
oh, hi nikki.
hi hi
does "a karaoke version" seem that wrong to you?
hmm? It's not wrong, it just doesn't work if there's more than one karaoke version
"Awesome Song has a karaoke version Awesome Song (karaoke) and Awesome Song -instrumental-"
tis a bit weird.
it works for me, but maybe I've just spent too much time reading totally bizarrely phrased relationships ;)
not that I expect that'll happen much, but still.
second, as far as I know, picard doesn't have any music playing abilities, sorry.
yeah, it would be nice if the relationship phases supported being translated and having alternate plural versions.
ok thanks
What would be better still is to remove the need for phrases entirely and just list off credits.
The credit itself can easily be translated.
I was wondering 'cause I think I'd prefer to keep the current wording, it's not ideal for more than one, but I think it sounds better when there is only one (which will presumably be the majority of cases)
navap, the NGS test server does that for a lot of the track->artist relations on the release page, iirc?
nikki hates the sentences... easily translated... hah! :P
nikki, yeah, feel free to leave it as is. I don't expect multiple karaoke versions to be an issue, and it does sound better for one.
ok then :)
nikki goes to send an rfv
iGadget joined the channel
anyone in here who can help me converting a release group to a box set? :)
I think I mistakenly added a release group while in fact it should have been a box set
...and now that I've read the definition of a release group, I *know* I did it wrong
hmmm... everybody's celebrating their weekend, I suppose :)
nikki isn't sure what exactly you're trying to do
do you need to combine multiple release groups into one?
no... I have a box set here
and I added it as a release group
by mistake
it's a set of disks which are also individually available, or previously released?
mr_maxis joined the channel
well... it's a re-release, packed onto 16 CD's which were also released on many more CD's separately in the past
huh. that's an odd case.
so the individual cd's of this release are actually not individually available
and each cd would contain songs from more than one previously released album?
hmm. In this case, it's probably fine to leave them all together as a release group, there's not much point in having them seperate
and I suppose I have to wait moderation before I can see the change?
one thing to remember is that every release has to be in a release group. In many cases, you get a release group that only contains one release, but that's OK.
iGadget, yeah. If three people vote yes, an edit can pass quicker, however.
so, what's the correct way to add the second CD out of this set to the same release group?
(and the following CD's as well of course)
you probably want to merge the release groups together
okay... let's see if I can pull that off :)
If you go to the artist's page, you can check the boxes of all of the release groups that should be together. THen click "Merge selected release groups" near the top of the page
I think I submitted the second CD somewhere...
kepstin: allright, that seems to work. However, the resulting release group still has the wrong name... is simply adding a note about that enough to make the merge go smooth?
iGadget, the rename will still apply after the groups are merged.
hmmm... just merged the two groups, but it's not reflected yet. Again a moderation issue?
okay... not very WYSIWYG this way, but I guess I'll just have to prove myself and be granted auto-edit priviledges some day ;)
iGadget, it's usually a good thing to have to wait. It means that other people have a chance to look at your changes and double-check that they're correct.
nikki thinks it would be a big improvement if it would just *tell* people the edits have been received and put into a queue
I see a lot of new people who get confused when they make edits and nothing happens :/