12:26 am
So I think the problem I'm having with editing the release group could potentially come from it not appearing in the indexed search and using the direct search instead. I have edited other release groups that actually appeared in the indexed search.
12:57 am
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aeontech mutters
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12:59 am
wait, it won't let you add a space?
12:59 am
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maybe there's some bug in the join phrase code
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who knows
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i guess it ignores spaces when it checks to see if you are adding a meaningful commit
1:07 am
so it says "Your edit does not change anything" or something of the sort
1:07 am
and refuses to submit it
1:07 am
1:08 am
i had a brainfart and added a typo when splitting artist track credit for Sonikozadza
1:08 am
aeontech is ashamed
1:09 am
approved it :-)
1:13 am
thank you
1:13 am
did i mention how much i love the new split artist credit support?
1:15 am
that was added?
1:16 am
well, new to ngs
1:16 am
1:16 am
i mean
1:16 am
new with ngs
1:17 am
1:17 am
I thought you were talking about a feature to automatically split a collab artist into an artist credit
1:17 am
because I recall a ticket for that :)
1:18 am
1:18 am
that would be nice
1:18 am
well, that happened with the ones that were 'easy'
1:18 am
but i think it already does that
1:18 am
1:19 am
the ones that had relationships defined
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but not the ones that just had the name
1:19 am
right, but for the ones that weren't converted it would be quite useful
1:19 am
if it couldn't match up names properly or if the collab artist had relationships other than the collab one it didn't split it
1:19 am
but yeah
1:20 am
maybe if my current pace re: GSoC continues (which would have me finish around mid-June, I think :P) I'll take on that project ;)
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1:21 am
(and of course, re: GSoC I'm kidding, I'm sure I can tinker with graphs all summer :P)
1:21 am
voted :)
1:25 am
yes, not having to redo the artist split on the recordings and the tracklists of the albums it appears on would save a ton of time
1:25 am
both entering, and keeping the voting queue cleaner
1:25 am
assuming the implementation doesn't enter separate edits for them :/
1:26 am
1:26 am
well a smart implementation shouldn't
1:26 am
1:26 am
we really need edit bundles or something
1:26 am
i.e. "vote yes on all <n> of these edits"
1:26 am
and you can split them apart if need be, but the default be the chunked view
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1:39 am
I need to catch up on my subscribed artist stuff... badly.
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2:39 am
I can't seem to find any current documentation on this.
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3:03 am
hackel: what do you mean? I see track numbers...
3:09 am
hawke_: When I try to tag with Picard, it's combining the 2nd disc as a single release, increasing the track numbers up from there.
3:17 am
hackel: what version of Picard? only 0.15beta and above properly support multi-disc releases
3:35 am
bitmap: Ahh, that would explain it! Still on .13. Thanks.
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luks: you see TSO2?
6:24 am
dubwai: TSO2 is a iTunes-specific hack
6:25 am
I'd say that is mp3tag repeatedly copies the TXXX frame to TSO2, it's their bug
6:25 am
I'd like to add support for tag setting profiles, but it's not done yet
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It will be Solomon's decision :-)
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luks: TSOP is already iTunes?
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why only Album Artist Sort Order is exception?
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moin moin
6:49 am
http://musicbrainz.org/artist/658ace70-7f4e-446... -- which is ``Edits for Magnum (Birmingham UK melodic rock band)'' -- is showing edits for ``Vigilante (Chilean electro-industrial / metal project)''. Am I being a bit dense this morning, or is this a bug?
6:50 am
6:50 am
(which is by magnum)
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6:52 am
nikki: Aha, that explains. What'S the usual procedure? Voting no, telling them to move the release, or moving it oneself?
6:53 am
OK thanks
6:53 am
nikki: Oh, gnyffel is a totally new editor.
6:54 am
I either add a note saying what they did wrong and ask them to change it, then change it myself if they don't
6:54 am
or change it myself and then leave a note saying what I did/why
6:54 am
Or the statistics got reset with the NGS update? (As email was verified in 2007.)
6:55 am
the statistics weren't reset
6:58 am
I left a comment; thanks.
6:59 am
7:13 am
luks: Picard 0.15beta1 doesn't write "media"
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hm, is there an easy way to swap artists and track titles in the release editor?
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stupid regional dupes
11:14 am
whoever added the event only added it to the firsst disc of a five disc set, so as it is it's just straight up wrong
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11:37 am
This is for a display of the 'edit medium' edit to show what's changed in the tracklist
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12:25 pm
Mineo: ruby -n -e '$_ =~ /(\d*\.) (.*) - (.*) (\(.*)/; puts "#{$1} #{$3} - #{$2} #{$4}"'
12:25 pm
then cut and paste
12:27 pm
well, I was thinking of somethings like a button, but thanks anyway :)
12:28 pm
I didn't find a button either!
12:29 pm
unfortunately the release editor is not exactly clear about whether it's "artist - title" or "title - artist" on VA releases :(
12:30 pm
Mineo: it's title - artist, but yeah, it needs a button to swap things.
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2:07 pm
Is the xml api version 2 only supported by the ngs server or do both generations support both versions?
2:12 pm
The v2 webservice was introduced with NGS.