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      • kyomi shines a light on DarkAudit
      • DarkAudit
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      • kyomi
        Ahh.. so I see Two Steps From Hell artist got changed to the artists names instead
      • danmichel joined the channel
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      • kepstin-laptop
        completely OT, but a bit frustrating: debugging this dhcp service is annoying. it goes something like "Hi, I'm a dhcp client!" "Hey, there, I'm a server. Based on how you're connected, you can have address X" "Hey server, will you let me use address X?" "No, based on how you're connected you can't use address X"
      • and that conversation repeats in an inifinite loop :(
      • kepstin-laptop goes off to find a technical forum to talk about this, instead of a music-related chat channel :)
      • kyomi
      • Looks fun
      • kepstin-laptop
        lol, it ended up being a typo that I didn't see.
      • put a 2 instead of a 4 in one place
      • kyomi
        Isn't that always the case? :)
      • I've done that more then once
      • kepstin-laptop
        it's really annoying with these ipv6 addresses, because they're just long strings of hex characters.
      • kyomi
        btw.. tagging Two Steps From Hell.. is pretty on par..
      • kepstin-laptop
        honestly, could you notice a single-letter typo in something that looks like "2001:470:b198:2:54a7:141:d197:b65f"?
      • kyomi
        Puts you two steps from hell trying to correct the files to the right tag -_-
      • Honestly... ?
      • No XD
      • ipv6 is just going to be alot more confusing :(
      • kepstin-laptop
        not really. you don't ever use ip address for anything, you always use domain names and hostnames. and those don't change.
      • kyomi
        Maybe I'm doing it wrong then :p
      • home networking you use ips >.>
      • kepstin-laptop
        hmm? my consumer router has built-in dns. I can access all the computers in my house by name.
      • kyomi
        yeah.. the almost never worked before...
      • It's alot easier for me to remember the number then the name.. Odd.. isn't it?
      • kepstin-laptop
        the trick has always been memorable names :)
      • kyomi
        I name everytime I can from things in Pirates of the Carribean >.>;
      • My media server is The Black Pearl :)
      • kepstin-laptop
        I use names from characters in games put out by a japanese company
      • kyomi
        Although... still haven't quite figured out a way to get an explorer window on my files away from home
      • I know it has something to do with mapping the domain name as a network harddrive
      • kepstin-laptop
        kyomi: no, it has nothing at all to do with that. The reason you can't do that is complicated, and has to do with firewalling and network address translation.
      • kyomi
        So there isn't a way I can do that?
      • kepstin-laptop
        but the key point: Windows network drives are so insecure that it would be a really bad idea, even if you could.
      • kyomi
        sure sure.. windows is OMG INSECURE.. but if you go to linux it's like omg butterflies and rainbows secure :p
      • kepstin-laptop
        what you actually want to do is set up a VPN (virtual private network) server in your house which you can connect to.
      • that'll create a secured connection.
      • kyomi
        so umm.. yeah... no idea how to do that >.>;
      • kepstin-laptop
        then it'll make it seem like you're on the same network as your home computer, so you can browse it the same as always
      • kyomi
        Can it work from Windows Home Server?
      • kepstin-laptop
        there's some free and commercial products for vpn servers, some of them are fairly easy to set up - and can be installed on windows.
      • i'm not familiar with any windows ones tho.
      • kyomi
        why is windows like the bane of anyones existence?
      • It's easy, stuff works.. no superfluous seteup
      • setup*
      • I've tried linux... honestly.. it's horrible
      • graphics are on par with windows 95..
      • theres like 6 million packages and *YOU* have to figure out which one is right for your system
      • kepstin-laptop
        man, you haven't seen anything the linux folks have done in the past year or so ;)
      • kyomi
        And of course you can't install the version listed there
      • Because theres some hidden incompatibility you don't know about unless you programed it
      • programmed*
      • And then that breaks it and good luck getting it back :)
      • so.. I like windows atm.. because it just works and is very easy to install things on and code on :3
      • kepstin-laptop
        I can't stand coding on windows. give me a proper command-line compiler and make any day.
      • kyomi
        that just asks for random issues to crop up because you missed some puncuation somewhere or didn't get the EXACT name of some inane option
      • You know
      • Isn't Hamachi a VPN thingy?
      • kepstin-laptop
        yes, hamachi would work.
      • kyomi
        I used that briefly to fix Brink multiplayer :)
      • Me and a friend couldn't connect.... used hamachi and it was fixed
      • kepstin-laptop
        the VPN/remote access functionality was actually the original point of hamachi, until games realized how it was useful for playing LAN games over the internet :)
      • kyomi
        you play any online games on pc or ps3? :)
      • kepstin-laptop
        I play a couple on pc, but very very rarely.
      • kyomi
        bah.. whats the fun in that? :P
      • ruaok joined the channel
      • kepstin-laptop
        hmm. I did just spend a weekend setting up first a musicbrainz mirror server in a linux container, then tweaked my house network to ue ipv6 dhcp... for fun :)
      • kyomi
        You are insane :p
      • I've spent a weekend retagging my music... and it's killing me
      • kepstin-laptop saves retagging music for when he's bored, it's nice and relaxing :)
      • How is it relaxing? lol
      • It's annoying when you get lots of [cannot load album]
      • Or it's not in the DB
      • kepstin-laptop
        well, not so much retagging, as just tagging in the first place.
      • most of the music I get isn't in the database to start with, I have to add it myself.
      • and there's always cleaning up stuff that's currently in the database.
      • kyomi
        Thats not really relaxing for me
      • I haven't played *anything* today
      • and just tagged soundtracks and almost all of the "misc" folder
      • Still have Dance/Electronica and most of the Industrial folder
      • I think the Metal folder hasn't been touched yet
      • mchou joined the channel
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      • Any reason why http://musicbrainz.org/release/d7291fb0-77f3-3f... doesn't show cover art?
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      • ocharles
      • I thought "i" was a letter on its own, not an accented form of "ı"
      • Neither Text::Unaccent or Text::Transliterator::Unaccent unaccent it in the way requested
      • jacobbrett1
        It seems to be, as according to: http://live.gnome.org/Gucharmap
      • • U+0069 LATIN SMALL LETTER I
      • ocharles
        I don't quite follow, for which letter is that output?
      • stereoket joined the channel
      • jacobbrett1
        That's the additonal notes for U+0131 LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I
      • ocharles
      • stereoket_ joined the channel
      • Should adding a disc id for a medium immediately set track times, if they are all undefined?
      • nikki
      • modbot will only do it later otherwise
      • (but in the meantime people just open more pointless edits)
      • ocharles
      • luks
        ocharles: that's a very old ticket and requires a patched version of libunac
      • the search server and the direct search both convert the characters
      • ocharles
        ah, ok
      • luks
        the patch is in the old ticket in trac
      • ocharles
        I did consider just offloading the work to db
      • SELECT musicbrainz_unaccent(?)
      • nikki
        ocharles: I'm not very good at explaining, but what I meant in the original trac ticket was that when a language has ı it has I as the capital letter, and there's a separate letter i with İ as the capital letter... and you can imagine how messed up the dot/no dot gets when normally i corresponds to I... so it needs fixing a lot
      • luks
        I'd consider taking over Text::Unaccent
      • ocharles
        I wonder if I can request co-maint on that
      • seeing as it hasn't been updated in years
      • luks
        we've talked to the guy years ago, he said he will commit the patch to CVS and nothing happened
      • ocharles
        I can probably request co-maint as it's abandoned then
      • nikki
        and normally adding/removing an accent is an auto-edit, like doing o -> ö in swedish, so I don't see why i İ ı I should be any different
      • ocharles
      • nikki: I just wanted to make sure they count as the same letter
      • (when unaccented)
      • luks
        but yea, using the database would be the simplest solution for now
      • cparker
        Would appreciate some votes on these two edits if/when someone gets the chance: http://musicbrainz.org/recording/ce352d20-65d5-...
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