

November 1st 2013

      • JonnyJD_
        Am I the only user that doesn't want to use any type of keyring/wallet/whatever?
      • I use ssh keys, but only where I have means to change the key if I lose it somehow
      • derwin
      • broken link on "link to.. ASIN"
      • when you click "more documentation"
      • nikki
        already fixed in beta
      • derwin
        man the big edit numbers
      • must be in ARs and stuff
      • nikki
      • derwin
        I add so many releases and am not even to 3k
      • nikki
        oh, you mean having a large number of edits
      • derwin
      • nikki
        and yes
      • derwin
        I mean, I'm a DBA, I understand that there are many more relationships between things than things.
      • but it's still sad :/
      • nikki
        adding a release is a lot of work for relatively few edits, adding the same conductor and orchestra to every track of a classical release is a whole bunch of edits in a minute
      • (well, "lot of work" depends of course, with a decent importer you can fill out a lot of stuff, but it still can't match the numbers you get from adding relationships)
      • if we had something like http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-1412 it'd probably help, since then we could just count groups
      • (not that having nicer stats is a particularly good reason to implement that XD)
      • xandora
        Got an album here that has 2 bonus tracks that are only on the CD if you bought it from Target. Should I label the tracks with (Target Exclusive)? Is there a common style guide for that?
      • MissDee
        xandora: that's what I;d do
      • erm, actually, a new release
      • with a disambig comment
      • is it will be a different tracklist and disc id
      • xandora
        Yea, I created a new release, added the extra tracks and added the disambig.
      • MissDee
        woo :)
      • Draven__
        What's the best way to automatically update my musicbrainz-server files (not database, I have slave.sh running hourly) from git?
      • I assume I should just make a cronjob to do a 'git pull' but I want to make sure I won't break anything
      • xandora|mac
        Is there a way to preview what your edits would look like before you commit them?
      • nikki
        other than in the release editor, no
      • xandora|mac
        So for things like release group merges, you just have to either know how it's going to turn out or find out after it happens?
      • nikki
        yes :(
      • xandora|mac
      • nikki
        for merging we really need something which gives us more control over what happens, but there's also a zillion other things we need >_<
      • xandora|mac
        https://musicbrainz.org/edit/24482859 - made this edit earlier, just trying to see how it was going to turn out.
      • nikki
        you should get a release group with both releases in it credited to the artist with "as" lowercased (since it prefers the data on the target release group)
      • xandora|mac
        Ahh, I didn't even see the 'As' or 'as'. No wonder they didn't end up in the same group. DERP.
      • nikki
        they'll only end up in the same group if you actually tell it to use the same group
      • xandora|mac
        Yea, I was wondering why it didn't tell me there was a duplicate release. Should've noticed something was up.
      • Draven__
        What's the best way to automatically update my musicbrainz-server files (not database, I have slave.sh running hourly) from git? I assume I should just make a cronjob to do a 'git pull' but I want to make sure I won't break anything.
      • daveh
        anything persistent won't change until you restart
      • nikki
        making it automatically update is likely to break something at some point
      • what are you trying to achieve by updating the code automatically anyway?
      • daveh
        nikki - like what?
      • kepstin-laptop
        perl deps change and need reinstallation, the server needs restarting, dbdefs needs manual updating...
      • daveh
        catalyst wil be fine, it's persistent. jsut restart at the end.
      • nikki
        it always restarts when the files change for me, so I imagine the setup other people are using will do the same
      • (since I didn't go out of my way to make it do that)
      • daveh
        oh, plackup -r
      • yeah
      • that's not really a production switch
      • kepstin-laptop
        well, if you're autoupdating, it's obviously not a production setup ;)
      • daveh
        good call :)
      • bricas
        hey y'all. i
      • err
      • i'm fishing for votes for this simple country change: http://musicbrainz.org/edit/24474484 :)
      • CatCat: thanks!
      • daveh
        bricas, what's the change, Cambodia to Canada?
      • kepstin-laptop
        us canadians are always annoyed that just typing 'ca' doesn't select canada - but we've learned to live with it :)
      • kepstin-laptop gets hit with 'ja' selecting 'jamaica' when he means 'japan', too.
      • daveh
        is that because mbz isn't using the ISO codes?
      • nikki
        we do have the iso codes
      • drsaunde
        nikki: ready for another round of cities?
      • nikki
        I'm kinda busy, but sure, you can give us the links :P
      • drsaunde
      • thanks and obviously no rush on those, but the guidelines now say to bug a AreaEditor :-)
      • nikki
        they do?
      • nikki wasn't aware we had guidelines
      • drsaunde
      • nikki
        meh, all three are the same problem
      • nikki ponders how she could fix it
      • drsaunde
        most of the ones I have left are all probably the same problem
      • nikki
        how many do you have left?
      • drsaunde
      • nikki
      • bricas
        daveh: yea. I noticed the original edit put it in wrong, so i wanted to correct it.
      • drsaunde
        i promised reo no more than 3 at ones
      • *once
      • reosarevok
      • Draven__
        What's the best way to update my musicbrainz-server files (not database, I have slave.sh on cron) from GitHub? Do I just make a cron to run 'git pull'?
      • daveh
        you should have been here earlier today :)
      • reosarevok
        Draven__: #musicbrainz-devel
      • kepstin-laptop
        Draven__: the best way is to follow the blog, read the release notes for each new version, then manually check out the appropriate tag and follow any required upgrade instructions :)
      • reosarevok
        Might be a better place
      • Draven__
        I was. Got d/c'd.
      • reosarevok
        Ok, I guess no need :)
      • Draven__
        Alright. I do follow the blog, was hoping somebody knew an automated way. No problems. Thank you.
      • Jozo
        http://pastebin.com/AHNmaNJP - What release countries we should use? (WordWide or should we list all countries?)
      • reosarevok
      • Technically, all countries. Although that looks terrible, so dunno. I'd just put one and say "fuck it" but if you feel like adding all of them that should be fine too I guess?
      • Jozo
        I usually use just one or two... but many other uses 'WorldWide'
      • derwin
      • bricas
        if a live version of a track is listed under a different name because it has a different arrangement, the recording is still just a "live" version of the work?
      • hawke_
      • jesus2099: mb. inline stuff seems to have stopped working for me on beta
      • daveh
        do people maintain amazon artist central links?
      • nikki
        what's amazon artist central?
      • daveh
      • artist-maintained collection
      • nikki
        some people enter them, although not many. "maintain" would imply we actually check they haven't stopped working, which we generally don't
      • daveh
        link checking is good hygeine :)
      • nikki
        speaking of which, there's probably another mountain of wikipedia pages for me to remove by now
      • daveh
        a link checker is 10 lines of perl
      • add a "broken" column to the table
      • and bob's your unclue
      • nikki
        we'll look forward to your patch then
      • reosarevok
        heh, wish it was that easy