reosarevok: probably the most important link(s) for a podcast are the RSS feeds which you enter in your audio playback device to automatically get new episodes. These podcast iTunes pages are basically just that (rss feeds tailored to work with the iTunes app).
reosarevok: series can have "video channel" or "Youtube channels" relationships, which because of the "channel" word do seem to imply that if you follow those links you end up in a place where new episodes will be posted.
reosarevok: so we need something similar for audio-only RSS feeds as well. Just "is available at" doesn't imply the feed/channel nature of these links as strongly as the "video channel" relationship does.
("audio channel" sounds alien though, it wouldn't be obvious that that's where the rss feeds go)
Perhaps something like "audio feed", "web feed", "rss feed".
That is a release group grouping two different single editions.
Easiest way to merge RGs is from the artist overview page.
Choose the release groups (checkboxes to the left), then click “Merge release groups”.
ok, done
Yes, that’s good.
A release group can have many releases, often (for internationally known artists) there are different releases in different countries, too.
In this case, the two releases even have very different cover art, judging from the Amazon links.
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Is there an option in picard to copy music and not move it when changing the tags and names and […] ? To avoid breaking the path/sum for other tools, for example
Reventlov: Nope.
Would that be an interesting feature request or not ? (I mean, it could be usefull for me, but I don't know for the others)
Maybe as a plugin.
I think it's too limited-use to go into picard-proper.
(I mean, when I want to change a copy, I... copy it.)
(But that doesn't mean that some people wouldn't want a plugin that copies the file instead of moving it. Beets can do this.)
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ocharles: What is circular motion within circular motion called? If you know what I'm talking about... :p
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Or anyone else, I guess. :)
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Freso: epicycle?
've been trying to find the name for like 1½ hour or so.
hoping someone here can help me locate this already in the database
been searching for a while. using the name of the album doesn't bring me where I need to go. tried using a track name, couldn't get it with that. tried the barcode, couldn't find it with that
hoping one of the gurus here can help me :)
in right place
derwin, what do you mean? :)
sudormrf: Doesn’t seem to be there. Certainly not with its barcode.
I mean you are in the right place to ask that question
chirlu`, is there any other information that I may provide to help aid in the search? I understand that it may not be there at all and may need to be added, just wouldn't want to try to add something that already exists :).
derwin, thanks :D
Hmm. Do artists automatically get deleted without release groups associated? I just accidentally added what should have been a label (and is already in the DB >.<)
sudormrf: I’m relatively sure it isn’t there already. I’m now importing it from Discogs.
chirlu`, my goodness, thank you for that! :D
chungy: Yes, if there is no data associated with them. A banner on the artist page should say so.
I added a RG too, but if it'll expire eventually I can not worry about
chirlu`, once the import is complete, how can I locate the album? :D