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I susoected a isconfiguration on my side, but the code itself had worked for months so this is surprising
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Eliot: It's probably best to ask over in #metabrainz
9:46 am
okay, thanks!
9:46 am
They're better at answering development-related questions
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it's missing months["juillet"] = "7"; for French while having the other long French months it seems :)
11:26 am
(dunno if you have a more up-to-date version somewhere, but since this seems to work otherwise)
11:27 am
will do
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Speaking of things that need cleaning up.
1:34 pm
reosarevok sighs at https://musicbrainz.org/artist/0187fe48-c87d-4dd8-beca-9c07ef535603
1:34 pm
It even has works!
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"Izumi Todo (東堂いづみ Tōdō Izumi), who is credited with creating series like Ojamajo Doremi and Pretty Cure, is a house name for the staff at Toei Animation"
1:58 pm
... that's so not a special purpose artist
1:58 pm
reosarevok changes that
1:59 pm
you can probably also remove the bit about special purpose artist from the disambig about "Iedereen"
1:59 pm
looks like it only has 1 recording
2:00 pm
I'm merging it with VA
2:01 pm
hmm i thought VA on recordings are discouraged
2:01 pm
Discouraged yes, forbidden no
2:02 pm
If it is the most appropriate, it is
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(in this case, it feels to me like it is, but I did say on that edit's note that I'm open to other ideas :) )
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it's you?
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reosarevok is writing the longest tl;dr in the history of tl;drs
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already on it ;)
3:28 pm
reosarevok: it looks good to me, I believe it took a while to create that
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only thing I might change is the topic title but it's already pinned so people should be able to find it
3:28 pm
maybe "Guidance for New Editors" or something like that
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More additions for things like label sites which are good sources would be great, I'm sure I'm forgetting some! :)
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Quesito: ^ see link btw
3:38 pm
Awesomesauce! 👍
3:39 pm
I think it already has those labels that have any useful data on their websites
3:40 pm
one thing that could be mentioned is that old Philips releases can often be found from Decca/DG sites
3:41 pm
with old I mean CD releases from 80s to 90s
3:42 pm
they don't have data about all of them but I believe big majority of Philips releases can be found (I often enter barcode to search field)