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picard question, can I add folders while loading a previous folder? Does it stack?
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man, the cover art view could not have been ay more confusing, ;)
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in any case always merge rather than remove
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seriously, how can mb help piraters?with.. accurate metadat?
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anyway to other news, this might interest you hibiscus, I have managed to grow cotton plants in my window still!
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they have now flowered and cotton balls are developing!
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sadly I have some weird pest eating at the leaves which I dilike tremendously.. :(
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I didn't know they had those in Norway
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I would think that, since they don't have boll weevils herer, that it's something else
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anyway, I've paid bills so I'm out :D
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SothoTalKer: I sign comments with my official titles when I'm talking in my official capacity.
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[off[ CatQuest, hibiscuskazeneko: I'm not sure how to deal with the digital bootleg situation. I'll be following hibiscuskazeneko's forum topic.
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C'est la vie.
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Metadata for this album is sparse on MusicBrainz. Jack Wall is credited for the album, but there is no specific credit for composition, interpreters, and so on.
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yvanzo: Thanks for the info. Probably discogs has more correct info for this album in this case.
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