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reosarevok: hyperion pages updated
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with the live database and taking into account the other hyperion labels
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also can we change data quality to display "default" for -1, and then "low" "normal" "high"? :)
10:39 am
oh, and for the "duplicates", format would be great (because many might not really be duplicates, but CD vs digital versions
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reosarevok: I fixed Hyperion Records -> hyperion yesterday on the releases that needed it, so it shouldn't appear next time I run the query
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for quality, sure, I wasn't sure about the conversion (1=low I guess)
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and I need to improve the query for releases, adding format should be easy
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Oh perfect
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2 is high for quality
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I think 0 is normal? Just look at the table :D
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(normal is different than default, but displays the same on MB)
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eh. 1 is normal I mean, and 0 low
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Yay I was right
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I'll post the cleanup post nowish
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We can improve it later
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"A hyperion website importer doesn’t exist yet, but I have little doubt that this will change during the month"
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did somebody volunteer? :p
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reosarevok: I guess you'll tweet and ping @hyperionrecords at one moment?
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the community post looks ok
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loujine: thanks for volunteering ;)
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And yeah, once we have the blog post I will :)
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d'oh! ;)
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Also, for anyone who has been curious about classical editing, this is a good starting point, since we have the full booklets available. chhavi_: this might be relevant to your interests?
1:09 pm
Making a poster might be tricky this time because I'm pretty sure all logos are copyrighted :p
1:10 pm
yes, exactly what I was going to type :p
1:11 pm
Still can do a small banner saying, MB is cleaning this up this month.
1:11 pm
Oh, we could have an official cleanup banner design :p
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(ok, less hideous)
1:13 pm
Of course, I'm not sure how much you can do in github.io against ugliness, but some CSS at least probs? :D
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It's super useful but it might scare people away :D
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You make a fair point, maybe some bootstrap classes. But again upto loujine :)
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reosarevok: Something like this?
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Hmm. Maybe a bit less whitespace ? well, redspace :D
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But that looks nice
1:36 pm
I'm open to all suggestions re. CSS/hosting
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the raw html here could be used in a template or converted to mediawiki or whatever
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depending on what we want
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loujine: I am sorry I won't be much help here. Very limited knowledge so far.
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I'm pretty sure github.io allows css changes, because I did that for a school project once :D
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So you could just prettify the tables a bit and add some color :D
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