

      • Etua joined the channel
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      • reosarevok
        There's something
      • Haven't used it in forever, but it should work?
      • Yohogala joined the channel
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      • Lotheric
        some scripts
      • SothoTalKer
        that should basically be all of them
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      • iconoclasthero
        i tried the amazon one and it didn't work. dunno if it's my system or not.
      • SothoTalKer
        what is there to import? I don't see a tracklist.
      • iconoclasthero
        oh, i didn't even look. i pulled it out of itunes.
      • PileOfDirt1 has quit
      • SothoTalKer
        you linked the CD release to the itunes one? (:
      • iconoclasthero
        actually no... i linked it back to Amazon since iTunes is digital. I just changed the medium to CD.
      • Yaniel
        is there a policy on cover art resolution vs quality tradeoffs?
      • SothoTalKer
        since its an archive, you can upload the best one you find
      • Yaniel
        https://beta.musicbrainz.org/release-group/da64... has cover art at 3000x3000 or so, but it's visibly a scan + slightly blurry for some reason
      • https://www.levykauppax.fi/artist/shiraz_lane/c... meanwhile has a 1000x1000 version that does not appear to be a scan
      • iconoclasthero
        musicbrainz apparently doesn't like ralph stanley
      • reosarevok
        revi: around?
      • peaveyman joined the channel
      • Freso
        Yaniel: scan > not-a-scan, other than that it’s mostly subjective. A release can have multiple scans attached though, so if two separate people both scan their own copy of a release, I’d say it’s fine for two sets of scans to coexist in CAA.
      • Jybz has quit
      • SothoTalKer
        to scan or not to scan
      • xplt
        Hm... That's why I didn't upload my scans one time: someone did it a few hours earlier(!)
      • gioele has quit
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      • CatQuest
        adendum to what freso said though_ if it's a diital release then we'd want the digital (ie not a (cd) scan) version of the artiwork :)
      • and but also, I don't think that " A release can have multiple scans attached though, so if two separate people both scan their own copy of a release, I’d say it’s fine for two sets of scans to coexist in CAA." isn't in the guidelines I don't think. but I like it! so i think it sohuld be added
      • Toast joined the channel
      • I actually have done this on a few releases where it's difficult to gauge stuff
      • one was this where the "artwork" was actually stickers *on* the jewelcase
      • very difficult to scna :D
      • iconoclasthero: why? is there a bug on the ralph stanley entry or something?
      • Yaniel
        this is more of a scan vs digital version of the cover art for the physical cd question though
      • CatQuest
        thne i'd say scna al lthe way, and only the digital version sohuld have the digital uh version
      • of artwork
      • Yaniel
        OTOH when bands put their physical discography online w/ covers they generally aren't going to be using scans
      • (ideally even the same files that are printed on the booklets)
      • in which case I personally would always use the "digital" art (since it has no printing/scanning artifacts)
      • Freso
        I wouldn’t.
      • SothoTalKer
        why not have both
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      • revi
        reosarevok: hi
      • iconoclasthero
        catquest: no, just that i had to enter 100% of 4 RS CDs.
      • although to be fair, one of them was in the system not linked to a media
      • also, why is a comment and a make all edits votable a thing for just attaching a TOC? I mean who's gonna argue that and what is anyone going to put in there except "picard"?
      • seems if not redundant unncecessary.
      • seems—if not redundant—unnecesary. (punctuation is not unnecesary in that sentence)
      • Yaniel
        eh, I like the irony of typing "disc at hand" in the comment field
      • I bet nobody would have guessed so otherwise
      • JoeLlama joined the channel
      • Freso
        I’ve begun to note where I have physical disc from when adding physical releases, rather than just saying that I have it.
      • iconoclasthero
        i doubt it will help too many people if I put in State of Delaware Library System.
      • lol