

June 1st 2010

      • cooperaa
        hello, long time no see #MB!
      • nikki
      • robb
        hey, tracks lookup ok, but shouldn't the tagger link update the file?
      • navap
        Clicking the tagger link only loads that release's information into Picard (or possibly any other compatible tagger).
      • Or maybe I misunderstood you..
      • robb
        that doesn't seem to happen (ubuntu 8.04)
      • navap
        You're talking about the green tagger links that show up on musicbrainz.org?
      • robb
        hm, a restart fixes that
      • navap
        And you have Picard open before you click the link?
      • robb
        yes yes
      • maybe i am confused, but the interface has me stymied
      • i remember using musicbrains back when picard was the next generation tagger
      • navap
        Well the next generation has arrived so we can't keep calling it "next generation" :) It should still be pretty much the same UI though as it was a few versions back.
      • Or better yet, ask me a question before I end up falling asleep :)
      • robb
        i really should sleep too
      • this seems to make sense now
      • thanks :)
      • navap
        No problem, good night!
      • robb
        btw, documentation was hard to find
      • navap
      • It's pretty clearly linked from Picard's home page: http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Picard
      • robb
        well i found general faq's and such ok, but those specific instructions
      • +not
      • navap
        Going to Help from within Picard should also direct you to that documentation page.
      • robb
        i'm sorry, i must have been temporarily unsmart, it is clear
      • i blame the hour
      • again, thanks and nite
      • navap
      • good night
      • aCiD2
        Eating fish for breakfast was the worst idea ever
      • all i've been able to smell and taste since this morning has been mackerel :(
      • nikki wonders why you would eat fish for breakfast
      • hawke_ wonders why you would eat fish.
      • navap wonders why you would eat
      • nikki wonders...
      • navap
        * navap
      • Leftmost
        I went to a friend's house for fish tacos a week or so ago. They were delicious, but I couldn't smell anything but fried fish for a couple of days.
      • aCiD2
        well, I like fish, and I had some mackerel to eat
      • so I thought fish for breakfast!
      • I'm mostly worried about the gym, because I sweat like crazy now any way that we're on heavy weights, and I think fishy sweat is going to be even worse
      • mwahaha
      • Leftmost
        I wish my university didn't charge extra for summer gym access.
      • aCiD2
        it's cost me about 50 quid for 10 weeks
      • which is alright. it's not a brilliant gym, but all I need is plates, a squat rack, a bench and barbells
      • i sure would be tempted to pay extra for a place with some air conditioning though...
      • Leftmost
        The summer here is around $30, I think. Which is better than any other gym I'd find, and it's well-equipped. But I'm poor.
      • And I don't think they'll let me pay it with financial aid.
      • aCiD2
      • Mineo
        sorry to disturb your talk but: is there any way, if an album has different ASINs in different countries, to choose a specific one for the cover art retrieval?
      • hawke_
        Mineo: Nope.
      • Mineo
      • hawke_
        Maybe once NGS comes out, I’m not sure
      • aCiD2
        nope, NGS doesn't really change that (it just uses one of them)
      • ok, I'm off - Leftmost i'll try and get back to meet tonight, I might be a little late because I have to help some guy with some PHP
      • aCiD2 shudders
      • Leftmost
        No worries.
      • Leftmost comforts aCiD2.
      • hawke_
        Doesn’t NGS do some stuff with associating things with actual releases (e.g. disc IDs and corresponding release events)?
      • I would’ve thought that if it did that, it would also connect ASINs to those release events.
      • Mineo
        well, that's unfortunate
      • hawke_
        I agree.
      • Speaking of NGS: On the NGS beta, how do you go about setting a release’s format?
      • navap
        Since a release can now consist of several mediums you can't set a *release* format, only a medium format.
      • hawke_
        Fair enough...where do you do that? I would expect it to be in the same place as packaging...
      • navap
        The stuff in the sidebar is release specific information, it applies to the entire release - the format(s) do not. They're found on the tracklist tab of the release editor.
      • er s/sidebar/first tab/
      • haha
      • hawke_
        Also, I see that you can’t apparently change the release(?) type; the dropdown says album, and is disabled.
      • Is there a way to do that?
      • navap
        If you're editing a release then the release type is taken from the release group the release is in.
      • A release doesn't have a "type" anymore, that's only at the release group level.
      • hawke_
      • Then why’s it displayed on the release editor. :-p
      • navap
        Let me ask you this: If it wasn't displayed, wouldn't you have wondered where it was?
      • hawke_
        Well, I would have looked for it somewhere else...
      • or asked.
      • But putting it on the release editor raises the question for all: “this is obviously where I’m supposed to be editing the type [since it has a widget there], now why is it disabled?”
      • Instead of “where do I go to edit the album type?”
      • Which at least gives me the idea that I need to search more.
      • navap
        I think that question will be answered once we stick in the appropriate documentation in the right side of the first tab.
      • hawke_
      • navap
        It's a good observation though, maybe the type doesn't need to be shown at all in the release editor.
      • hawke_
        How about the format selection being on the tracklist tab? Shouldn’t it and packaging go together?
      • navap
        Although then the editor wouldn't be 100% consistent because the type needs to be asked when adding a new release outside of an existing release group.
      • When you buy a two disc album, does each disc come in different packaging?
      • Actually I'm not too sure how packaging will work with a release that has different medium formats.
      • A CD+Vinyl release probably can't be classified as having just one type of packaging.
      • nikki
        the packaging stuff is pretty basic anyway, it's not like you can say something came in a normal jewel case with a bonus disc in a slim jewel case in a cardboard thingy to keep the discs together
      • http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Next_Generation_Sch... <- but this is all we've got at the moment
      • hawke_
        I’m a bit surprised that the “advanced” track editor isn’t the default...
      • given that the “basic” one seems to be a free-form text editor.
      • nikki
        people think tables are too databasey :(
      • hawke_
        I think free-form text editors are too pain-in-the-ass-and-you-have-to-guess-what-the-format-is-ey.
      • Leftmost
        nikki, they're wrong then.
      • nikki
        Leftmost: I never said they were right :P
      • Leftmost
        We're a database, oddly enough.
      • nikki idly ponders if it's just her that cares about the size of the packaging rather than just the style...
      • hawke_
        nikki: ??
      • nikki
        I was just looking at that wiki page I linked and was thinking about the different ones I have
      • hawke_
        There’re some problems with the basic text editor, too...
      • nikki
        and I've got loads which would come under digipak I think, but they're all sorts of sizes
      • navap images disputes about whether to record measurements in inches or centimetres.