2:04 am RJ RJ (~RJj@host213-123-118-56.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #musicbrainz 2:45 am RJ has quit 3:16 am soccos soccos (~paul@psharpe2-egw.access.nethere.net) has joined #musicbrainz 3:29 am soccos has quit 4:34 am soccos (~paul@psharpe2-egw.access.nethere.net) has joined #musicbrainz 4:52 am soccos has quit 5:18 am someyung someyung (~theknife@ has joined #musicbrainz 5:18 am sup? 5:18 am someyung has left the channel 8:24 am yalaforge yalaforge (~matthias@krl9-d9bb4ef6.pool.mediaWays.net) has joined #musicbrainz 8:24 am morning 10:18 am yalaforge has quit 12:52 pm RJ RJ (~RJj@host213-123-118-56.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #musicbrainz 12:53 pm Russss Russss (~rg@pc3-glfd2-4-cust14.glfd.cable.ntl.com) has joined #musicbrainz 1:01 pm sward_3 has quit 2:14 pm rehm rehm (~abb@modemcable122.3-201-24.mtl.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #musicbrainz 2:21 pm hi 2:23 pm rehm has quit 3:14 pm yalaforge yalaforge (~matthias@krl9-d9bb4ef6.pool.mediaWays.net) has joined #musicbrainz 3:24 pm plod plod is now known as qn 4:07 pm yalaforge yalaforge is now known as yalaforge|away 4:11 pm Rotty Rotty (someone@dsl-156-204.utaonline.at) has joined #musicbrainz 5:07 pm sward_3 sward_3 (~sward@pcp715355pcs.alxndr01.va.comcast.net) has joined #musicbrainz 6:10 pm djce djce (~davide@ has joined #musicbrainz 6:30 pm alus_ alus_ (alus@cs242710-9.austin.rr.com) has joined #musicbrainz 6:30 pm alus_ has quit 6:30 pm alus has quit 6:30 pm alus_ (alus@cs242710-9.austin.rr.com) has joined #musicbrainz 6:30 pm alus_ is now known as alus 6:42 pm djce has quit 7:15 pm soccos soccos (~paul@psharpe2-egw.access.nethere.net) has joined #musicbrainz 7:39 pm Rotty has quit 8:14 pm yalaforge|away yalaforge|away is now known as yalaforge 8:22 pm alex alex (matron@host81-134-132-56.in-addr.btopenworld.com) has joined #musicbrainz 8:22 pm moose? 8:22 pm anyone here happen to be alive, and know what the current db structure is 8:24 pm Russss evidently not :) 8:25 pm Russss prods ruaok 8:25 pm alex lol 8:28 pm and im not going to guess from the rdf :/ 8:50 pm yalaforge has quit 9:03 pm curious 9:03 pm woops 9:03 pm wrong window 9:30 pm soccos alex: isn't it in the wiki? 9:31 pm failing that, check the source out of cvs 9:31 pm alex no 9:31 pm it isnt in the wiki 9:31 pm as far as i can see 9:31 pm erk 9:31 pm CVS 9:31 pm joy 9:32 pm Russss I have a checked-out copy of the repository if you want anything from ir 9:32 pm t 9:37 pm soccos you probably want admin/sql/CreateTables.sql 9:37 pm alex that sounds right 9:37 pm gis Russ 9:39 pm Russss not working 9:39 pm alex joy 9:39 pm Russss msn? 9:40 pm soccos hmm, isn't there cvsweb too? 9:41 pm Russss http://musicbrainz.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/viewcvs.... 9:42 pm soccos exactly 9:42 pm Russss does anyone have any idea how the MySQL dumps were done? 9:43 pm alex yes 9:43 pm soccos they're postgresql dumps 9:43 pm alex they are eeeexactly the same 9:43 pm Russss heh 9:43 pm alex as i have just discovered 9:43 pm you may like to SAY THAT ON THE WEBPAGE 9:43 pm :P 9:43 pm Russss heheh 10:03 pm soccos has quit 10:20 pm Russss has quit 10:52 pm djce djce (~davide@ has joined #musicbrainz 10:52 pm hey, alex. Need any more help on database structure etc? 11:00 pm djce has quit 11:38 pm alex has quit 11:58 pm kyleboon kyleboon (Kyle@adsl-66-72-193-114.dsl.clevoh.ameritech.net) has joined #musicbrainz