

January 1st 2014

      • xplt
        Shouldn't "ft." be unfold into "feat."? https://musicbrainz.org/edit/25479197
      • CallerNo6
        xplt, yes, any form of the English "featuring" should be "feat."
      • (assuming it indicates a "featured" artist)
      • xplt
        CallerNo6: Right. I was thinking about writing a welcoming message with pointing to the style guides, but I think I'll do it, when I wake up. What a crazy night
      • derwin
        (but shouldn't it be "feat." in the artist credit, not in the track title?)
      • nikki
        most of them are in the artist credit
      • I only see one in the title, so I'm guessing it was just accidentally missed
      • warp
        happy new year derwin!
      • warp just woke up.
      • derwin
        disco disco
      • warp: nice!
      • warp: I have not yet begun to drink enough :)
      • CallerNo6
        did I say "fireworks"? I meant, of course, improvised explosive celebration devices.
      • warp
      • madmouse
        hi all , where can a feature request for MusicBrainz Picard be logged ?
      • I would like to see the "pending requests" as a % completed value (perhaps in settings change it betwen # of outstanding or % completed)
      • warp
        ooph, after that derwin stream ended mixify switched to some brony stream :S
      • reosarevok
        "and I didn't even notice!"
      • reosarevok hides
      • CatQuest :D
      • And1
        Hello folks. What's the behaviour for disc numbers when NOT using the 'classic disc numbers' plugin?
      • madmouse
        And1: A folder for each disc I think ..
      • I have created my own rename script
      • And1
        madmouse: Seems it puts just all discs in one folder named like the album...
      • madmouse
        ah ok well if you need it you can di it with plugin or just do your own script to rename
      • mine is like :
      • VA/album-year-disc1 then
      • VA/album-year-disc2
      • etc.
      • ryanakca
        reosarevok: How should I deal with soloists in disc titles? For example, one CD has as sleeve title: "Beethoven\n Violin Concerto · Piano Concerto no. 3\n Jascha Heifetz · Arthur Rubinstein" and another has "Tchaikovsky — Piano Concerto no. 1\n Mussorgsky — Pictures at an Exhibition\n Vladimir Horowitz" (still part of the Toscanini boxed set). The spine is "Tchaikovsky ~ Piano Concerto no. 1 · Mussorgsky ~ Pictures at an Exhibition ~ Horow
      • Omit it and include it as a relationship? Or is the fact that Heifetz / Horowitz are playing sufficiently important to make it onto the title?
      • reosarevok
        I would just put it in relationship, myself
      • ryanakca
        Alright, thanks.
      • CallerNo6
        by analogy, if that were the information on the cover of a single-disc release, I would not treat the performers' names as part of the title.
      • MBChatLogger_1
        is logging
      • kornbluth.freenode.net
        Users on #musicbrainz: centrelink demosdemon DWSR MissDee leonardo lidel nano- iarp darklow teeberg__ jruzz legoktm El_Rico hidgw UltimateEyePatch Muz_ shardz mat_
      • MBChatLogger
        is logging
      • hubbard.freenode.net
        Users on #musicbrainz: larsduesing ianweller choupy rubin110 gnu_andrew bricas night199uk thomasvs joshk Vorpal Clint yvesr warp function1 _flow_
      • CallerNo6 is having fun playing with rdio via a sonos player. but jeez. dmitri and dmitry shostakovich are two different artists? (and no, one of them isn't the grandson) track titles like 'II. moderato'?
      • WOODMAN
      • HibiscusKazeneko
        I'm glancing at some pages on the MB wiki now
      • there's a bunch of stuff that was added years ago (by an editor I shall not name) and was never implemented)