

September 1st 2014

      • VxJasonxV
      • how do I find out why an artist had been deleted?
      • I know what the MBID is: 66160e42-f416-41c2-8c7c-3157d7a563d1
      • chungy
        VxJasonxV: someone probably deleted instead of merged
      • VxJasonxV
        modbot did it, which means the artist was empty
      • but I looked through my recent edit notices, and don't see any mention of the artist being changed
      • chirlu`
        VxJasonxV: Any release/recording/work of the artist that might be findable (at the new place it may have been moved to)?
      • CallerNo6
        would edits involving that artist still be findable by querying a local db?
      • chirlu`
        Only by looking into the edits.
      • CallerNo6
        That's what I was trying to puzzle out. The 'edit' table would still have edits for deleted entities?
      • oh, edit_<entity> table maybe
      • chirlu`
        Yes, edit has the data, but edit_artist has not.
      • But if you know only the deleted artist, you have to look into the edit data for each edit, to check where the artist is mentioned.
      • CallerNo6
        chirlu`: cool, thanks
      • chirlu`
      • Yes, apparently it were edits 29086558, 29086559, 29086576, 29086577, 29086579, 29086580.
      • The artist probably didn’t have the URL and remixer relationships it now has, they would have kept it.
      • CallerNo6: edit_artist is what normally tells us which edits pertain to an artist.
      • But edit_artist.artist is a foreign key referencing the artist table, so when the artist is gone, the rows in edit_artist can’t remain.
      • On the other hand, edit.data is just a blob of text to the database, it doesn’t know that the text mentions IDs, so it doesn’t care about referential integrity there.
      • But you can’t easily search for an ID in there either.
      • That’s what’s causing all these “failed prerequisite” edits after merges, and merged entities being displayed as “[removed]” in old edits, etc.
      • CallerNo6
        ah. got it. that makes perfect sense.
      • jesus2099
        Lotheric: could you give me such an URL (for truncated iTunes something)
      • chirlu`
        jesus2099, preview for you: http://chirlu.mbsandbox.org/edit/21275586 (name-variation and tooltips)
      • jesus2099
        whohoo ! great ! :)
      • span.n-v is missing on track AC but it’s another ticket, right ? :)
      • chirlu`
        Right, it’s the same as MBS-7844.
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        dang missed hibiscus by ][ much
      • aw well
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox has to go in 30 min. but if she comes on tell her I saw her tono thing and that she can pm me (I'll see it) or say it here (I'll also see it) and explain exactly the thing :)
      • chirlu`
        HibiscusKazeneko: <08:33> * ZaphodBeeblebrox has to go in 30 min. but if she comes on tell her I saw her tono thing and that she can pm me (I'll see it) or say it here (I'll also see it) and explain exactly the thing :)
      • reosarevok
        warp (and others maybe): opinions? http://musicbrainz.org/edit/29073985
      • jesus2099
        what’s a tono thing ?
      • is it “safe for work” ?
      • wardhan
        hi all. is it possible to have more than 1 release with exactly same name ?
      • reosarevok
      • wardhan
        oops.. just now i have realised i have cretaed more than 1 release w/different artists. please excuse.
      • reosarevok: thank you for ur quic reply. you beat me before i finished typing my message
      • jesus2099
        ur no quic enoug yet !
      •  ;)
      • reosarevok
        jesus2099: your mass merge script seems broken in beta. "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null"
      • You might want to take a look since that probably means it'll break everywhere tonight :(
      • KRS-Cuan
        VxJasonxV: I didn't see any reason for those remix releases to be credited to the remixer.
      • But feel free to re-create an artist entry for him/her and link it to the songs with a remix AR.
      • Oh, looks like you already did. :)
      • jesus2099
        merci reosarevok  :)
      • mat_
        mmm, how does one add an area, it seems the db is missing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifton_Park,_New_...
      • jesus2099
        bitmap: if you’re here ?
      • when you update set-recordings-comments could you set <textarea id="rc-edit-note" style="width: 32em;" rows="5"></textarea> instead of <input type="text" id="rc-edit-note" style="width: 18em;"></td>
      • and replace all occurences of 18em by 32em ?
      • bitmap: ↗
      • (don’t pverwrite </td> it’s just my copy/paste mistake though)
      • KRS-Cuan
        jesus2099: Is that script still broken?
      • jesus2099
        yes, at least the one i tried a few days ago
      • → // @version 2014-04-07~1
      • KRS-Cuan: ↗
      • my patch is not a fix, it’s just a layout fix i always add to each release
      • djpretzel
        is the schema for the edit tables (edit & edit_note) available anywhere other than the massive dump of edit history? They're both mentioned on http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/MusicBrainz_Databas... but not the actual columns, etc.
      • Freso
        djpretzel: I'm pretty sure all the db schemas are defined in the MBS source code.
      • djpretzel
        gotcha, was already browsing github
      • thanks
      • so all of the actual data in any given edit is just persisted to a single "data" field... anyone know if that's serialized, or XML, or what? I'm just curious how that would be parsed, if the edit is applied
      • Freso
        I think it's JSON.
      • I'm not sure whether this JSON representation is actually the raw output of what's in the db, or a serialised representation of the raw data in the db though.
      • Anyway, #musicbrainz-devel is more like to know the answers.
      • djpretzel
        right, gotcha. many thanks. I guess it also only includes the data that actually changes, which makes sense
      • jesus2099
        reoafk: the mass merge is fixed for the upcoming beta crash on <bdi> tags… i don’t know if it’s the only upcoming crash, i don’t have (time for) any recordings to merge atm…
      • reoafk
      • Thanks!
      • jesus2099
        you’re welcome to report any further crahs ;)
      • reoafk
        Hexcells Infinite is out!