

October 1st 2007

      • brianfreud
        Above all else, I think we need more foreign language native speakers
      • gioele
        I hope we will get something like data quality but only for titles
      • brianfreud
        foolip’s working on Chinese releases, you’re working on Italian, mo has Norwegian, etc - but there’s some, like Portugese, Japanese, and Russian, where I don’t think anyone’s really checking on them
      • gioele
        brianfreud: yes, Icelandic is seriously lacking behind ;)
      • brianfreud
      • gioele
        what about German?
      • brianfreud
        luks, etc
      • gioele
        luks? german?
      • brianfreud
        ruaok too
      • gioele
      • brianfreud
        luks is Chech Republic (however you spell it) I think
      • ruaok is originally from Germany though
      • ruaok
        brianfreud: luks is from slovakia.
      • not czech rep.
      • brianfreud
      • wrong half of the former country :)
      • gioele
        brianfreud: no worries, they had a friendly separation
      • ruaok
        ich bin Deutsch, das hast Du recht. :-)
      • gioele
      • brianfreud
        ruaok: Something we’d talked about a while back...
      • ruaok nods
      • Given the relative lack of Japense releases, and the serious lack of, say, Russian, Korean, or Arabic ones,
      • FauxFaux
        Zomg Deutsch.
      • gioele
        what about Arabian and Indian releases?
      • brianfreud
        what would you think of eventually supporting localization on the site?
      • We counted - there were less than 1k total releases for all Arabic languages
      • ruaok
        brianfreud: its something I would love...
      • but the amount of effort to get this worked out is just insane.
      • brianfreud
        My guess is that the site being indecipherable to people who speak Korean is the major hurdle
      • ruaok
        that's why we have warp! :-)
      • brianfreud
        lol - he can fix, but alone he cannot enter them all :)
      • luks had shown us a site he uses that’s working on PicardQT translations
      • ruaok
        seriously, I hear ya. its an issue for sure.
      • brianfreud
        I know actual implementation is a long way away, but would it be possible to extract the text strings, so people can start on translating?
      • ruaok
        I would say that once we can get NGS rolled out and smoothed out, we should consider doing just that.
      • brianfreud
        Something we’d talked about while you were at )^(
      • gioele
        I need Korean contributors for Italian prog rock of the 70s (don't ask me why they still love and re-release that music)
      • ruaok
        not feasabile until after NGS.
      • sooo much will change with NGS, you'd be wasting time.
      • brianfreud
      • gioele
        ruaok: how far (or near) is NGS?
      • brianfreud
        Now that you have a gameplan for NGS, is there any kind of timetable?
      • LOL, jinx
      • ruaok
        nothing firm yet.
      • but I am personally hoping to see the first ngs related release around the end of the year.
      • brianfreud
        Do you have any plans for which parts will happen first?
      • ruaok
        release changes, artist changes, track changes
      • gioele
        year = 2007 or 2008?
      • ruaok
      • brianfreud
        I know, for me personally, the two things I most am looking forward to at 1) no more & artists, and (less than #1) track masters
      • ruaok
        GSoC had made some progress towards the release portion of ngs.
      • brianfreud
        When does the “summer” end for GSoC?
      • ruaok
        so we need to finish that and get it out.
      • its done.
      • brianfreud
        What did we get from it, when all the coding was finished?
      • ruaok
        the mentor summit is next saturday where a few mentors will get together and chat about how things went.
      • gioele
        no more artists at all would be even better (remember the ml thread?)
      • ruaok
        well, I have a number of things to catch up on with Luks, and that was one of them.
      • brianfreud
        gioele: I would love that :)
      • ruaok
        in summary, I think luks and I were pretty disappointed with the results of gsoc.
      • brianfreud
        ruaok: something we’ve joked about, but in semi-seriousness... The idea of a “rotating” “artist” concept, rather than trying to squeeze composer/performer/etc into “artist”
      • ruaok
        not at all what we'd expected.
      • brianfreud
        yeah - seemed to start strong, but then the participants dropped off the map, and their webpages for updates stopped updating...
      • ruaok
      • gioele
        you know, there was this problem in the last months called "Summer", I think that distracted many GSoC students :)
      • brianfreud
        Yes, but when you make the commitment, and get the $$ from Google, you are volunteering to give up “summer”
      • ruaok
        MBChatLogger: off
      • MBChatLogger
        is not logging
      • is logging
      • ruaok
        thanks gioele
      • rant was clearly over.
      • gioele
      • brianfreud
        just enough to make the few plugins I’ve made for picard
      • One problem I’ve found is, when last I was seriously coding, the choices were easy - C, Eiffel, or Assembly
      • ruaok
        language doesn't matter. its merely a dialect.
      • brianfreud
        Now you have python, php, perl, c++, java, js, etc - almost overwhelming
      • ruaok
        the key is to get comfortable with *programming*.
      • then moving a dialect is merely lots of flipping in reference books.
      • ojnkpjg
        yeah, if you know C well, you can learn anything you mentioned in a week
      • at least well enough to get stuff done
      • brianfreud
        figuring out the code in any is easy - assembly+c makes for a good basis to figure code out in any language. But figuring which languages to become able to write, and write well, that’s different
      • ruaok
        pretty much.
      • brianfreud: bs.
      • brianfreud
        you think?
      • ruaok
        learn python. get comfortable. learn C. then the road will be clear.
      • clear because as ojnkpjg says, going to something else is little work.
      • and the language depends on the work you want to do.
      • brianfreud
        See, I still think in Stroustep’s type of thinking - any language you can pick up in a week. But being *good*, really *good* in any language takes 1 to 2 years of serious coding in that language...
      • ruaok
        for das blinkenwheel, the python global interpeter lock fucked me.
      • I had to port my code to C++.
      • ojnkpjg
        takes a year to learn the idioms, maybe
      • ruaok
        that sucked, but took only a few hours.
      • ojnkpjg
        i think with something like python, you could learn enough to write good code in a week or two
      • brianfreud
        not the idioms, but more learning where the traps are, and how to not just write code, but efficient code
      • ruaok
        but it was interesting to visually see the effects of the global interpreter lock.
      • ojnkpjg
        i'm having to maintain some C++ code now :/
      • ruaok
        brianfreud: easy with python. there is the "python way"
      • ojnkpjg
        that uses "smart" pointers
      • brianfreud
        actually, from the little python I’ve seen/worked on, it strikes me as very much like, say, js
      • ruaok
        if you stick with that you can write some pretty efficient python.
      • brianfreud
        or, and I have to admit, the only language I’ve really been paid to write in in the past 10 years - VBA :(
      • ruaok
        js is not nearly as elegant.
      • ruaok goes to wash his hands
      • brianfreud
        yes - and js has the problem of having to deal with multiple interpreters (I want to say “compilers”, but...) for the same code all at the same time... leads to nasty workaround-code styles
      • ojnkpjg
        javascript is really hackish
      • brianfreud
        well, it has some serious benefits
      • ojnkpjg
        yeah, i just mean in terms of being a clean language
      • it's useful for a lot of stuff
      • brianfreud
      • I remember when java first came out, the entire CS department at hopkins - grad and undergrad alike - signed up to take it, as it was “the next big thing”
      • ojnkpjg
        when i was in college, everything had already gone to java
      • brianfreud
        the *idea* was - code you write once, that can run on any machine/os/etc
      • ojnkpjg
        so i resolved to make it through without learning java
      • and i succeeded
      • i still have not written a line of java in my life
      • brianfreud
        but the implementation of java was bs then (beta 0.7), and still is
      • ruaok
      • brianfreud
        ugh - last thing I wrote in college, I had to write photoshop in java
      • damn thing took 4 hours to initialize on a Solaris box
      • ojnkpjg
      • gioele
        back to reality: installing mb does not seem that hard. http://bugs.musicbrainz.org/browser/mb_server/t...
      • ruaok
        its not.
      • most people's pussies just hurt when it comes to installing shit. :)
      • I've got new installs down pat.
      • brianfreud
        ruaok: For whenever my drives come back from the mfr, I plan to switch to Linux, or at least try to, and install the server
      • ruaok
        I'd be glad to help.
      • brianfreud
        I don’t want to use FAT - is there any fs that Windows can write to, but still be linux compatable, so I can migrate 1 tb or so of data over?
      • gioele
        brianfreud: a dedicated partition with debian and mb should be quite easy to setup (it seems)
      • ruaok
        I've figured out the crititcal path of installing mb_server on a new machine.
      • 1. download data 2. install perl modules 3. install postgres
      • start those three in parallel
      • ojnkpjg
        brianfreud, you can mount ntfs drives in linux
      • ruaok
        brianfreud: you just need a drive?
      • what kind?
      • ojnkpjg
        there's an ext3 driver for windows, too
      • gioele
        brianfreud: I use ext3 on my external HDs and explore2fs (an user-space application) in windows
      • brianfreud
        everything I have right now is ntfs - I keep hearing nasty/difficult things about ntfs in linux...
      • ojnkpjg
        it's much better now with the ntfs stuff that uses FUSE, believe it or not
      • brianfreud
        ruaok: IDE - Have a couple of drives on rma now, had to dump a lot of data to blank dvds
      • is ntfs writable though?
      • ojnkpjg
      • brianfreud
        I’d hate to move to linux, install an ntfs driver, then find I have limits on what I can even write to those partitions
      • ojnkpjg
        it works so much better than i ever imagined it would
      • ruaok
        brianfreud: want a 120gb IDE drive?
      • brianfreud
      • ruaok
        I have no machine left that can use it.