

March 1st 2009

      • nikki
        what'd you do to it?
      • Kerensky97
        It just thought two of these tracks were the same. http://musicbrainz.org/album/56d921f2-14e8-41a9...
      • Admittedly all the different versions sound almost identical.
      • nikki
      • nikki should probably get round to listening to that
      • Kerensky97
        It's on youtube
      • It's totally one of those pro-Japan pop songs
      • nikki
        I've got the cd, just haven't really listened to it yet
      • alip
        wtf? now i get invalid cvr... sigh
      • Kerensky97
        Wow, the Katakana font on this cover kills me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Beforushangri... 
      • I thought it was cursive english at first glance.
      • nikki
      • it wouldn't be so bad if those stars looked like part of the characters
      • Kerensky97
      • aCiD2 returns
      • cooperaa
      • nobody home?
      • nikki
        maybe if he'd waited longer...
      • aCiD2
        was about to say that :)
      • nikki
      • we finally have an up-to-date mac version and people *still* aren't happy
      • navap
        People are never happy..:p
      • nikki
      • navap
        A person..maybe, but people? Never.
      • haha wow
      • nikki
      • I only added the link to the wiki yesterday
      • navap
        But uh wow, its 50MB?
      • nikki
      • navap
        That does seem quite big..
      • nikki
        it's python plus two binaries squished into one
      • navap
        How does the exe manage to stay so small?
      • Kerensky97
        It's full of moosey goodness.
      • nikki
        the exe version is probably less voodoo
      • hmm... the intel-only version was 31.6mb... the ppc version was 42.4mb
      • and the old 0.9.0 one was 20mb
      • navap
        So it does seem like a fair question.
      • nikki
        but the 0.9.0 one didn't work completely
      • the new one looks up cds and can generate puids
      • navap
      • nikki
        I think it's probably just including too much extra stuff... not that I know anything about making mac packages
      • navap
        It's not like 50MB is really that big of a deal for most people, but it does seem pretty big when compared with the exe.
      • nikki
        50mb is nothing for the amount of bloody time it took
      • I think it was a year and four months between the 0.9.0 dmg and the current one :o
      • we never even got a 0.10 one
      • RifRaf
        would i need to use an older version of pyqt to make a picard plugin? trying with pyqt 4.4.2 and python 2.6
      • nikki
        no idea
      • RifRaf
        does AttributeError: setUsesScrollButtons mean anything to you?
      • does not matter if its set false or true, if i disable the line it then stops on LastfmOptionsPage.addTab(self.tab_4, "")
      • AttributeError: addTab
      • by the time i comment enough lines out so i get no errors the plugin is visable in the plugins but no options page comes up, and no more errors
      • am trying to learn pyqt so i can make a gui generated gui rather than the hand coded one i have now
      • nikki
        I know just enough about python to break things :P
      • RifRaf
        me too
      • maybe i started with the wrong widget, will paste a screenshot
      • used a QTabWidget , seemed ok
      • nikki prods this sql query
      • wow how cool, it loads, but i really don't wanna have to hack at it like that each time
      • i made a gui thing, \o/
      • schubi
      • RifRaf
      • would anyone be willing to assist with some python code to implement a few buttons for new genre plugin?
      • the buttons that need someone smarter than me are the 6 in the lower middle http://tiptoes.hobby-site.com/mbz/lastfm/plusop... 
      • i know what i want em to do, just not sure how to start
      • navap
        Instrumentalists that are mentioned in the release title should have a "feat." before the instrument correct? "Complete Keyboard Works (harpsichord: Scott Ross)"
      • nikki isn't sure
      • nikki
        I seem to remember some discussion about changing it
      • navap
        Changing it from what to what?
      • nikki
        changing it to not include feat
      • but I don't really know anything about classical stuff
      • navap
        Me neither..
      • I stumbled across this 34 disc set and thought I'd add the ARs and REs, wasn't sure about the title though. There are a couple other sets just below that have the feat in the title. http://musicbrainz.org/show/artist/?artistid=36817
      • pbryan
        FEATURED instrumentalists should be mentioned.
      • As a rule of thumb, in classical, if a performer's name appears prominently on the cover, it's probably a (feat. ...) artist in the title.
      • AFAIK, "feat." still remains. I didn't see any conclusion (RFV) on dropping it.
      • navap
        I believe Scott Ross is performing th work of the late composer. And yes, his name is on the cover, in almost the same size in fact.
      • pbryan
        So I think (feat. harpsichord: Scott Ross) is in order.
      • nikki wonders if luks is around
      • nikki
        hey warp
      • warp
      • pbryan
      • chovy
      • warp fixes his sennheisers.
      • pbryan
        Speakers or headphones?
      • I guess headphones; they don't seem to make speakers.
      • warp
        headphones, yes. HD-570
      • nikki
        I need some new headphones or earphones...
      • but I hate spending money on them because I never know if they'll be loud enough
      • warp
        that also depends very much on whatever device you're connecting them with.
      • nikki
        well, yes, but it depends a lot on the headphones too
      • MClemo
        in-ears are louder than others, I suppose
      • nikki nods
      • schubi
        in-ears dont have good low tones/bass
      • nikki
        my in-ear ones are the only ones that are loud enough to me without being loud enough for everyone else
      • warp
        schubi: that isn't my experience.
      • nikki: which are those?
      • nikki
        cheap ones
      • schubi
        warp: as far as what I can say from Sennheiser CX300 :(
      • warp
        ok ;)
      • schubi: sennheiser cx300 here too.
      • nikki
        my headphones leak sound so much that simon can tell me what I'm listening to
      • MClemo
        nice thing with in-ears, you don't hear the outside world and the outside world doesn't hear you
      • nikki
        he even told me the music had electric guitars once and I was like "what? how do you know?" :/
      • warp
        nikki: open headphones do that, yes.
      • schubi
        warp: got a pair of Sennheiser PC 151... there are worlds in between
      • nikki
        but my earphones are starting to go bad, I had to superglue the cables in place the other day and the left is louder than the right (assuming it's not just my ears)
      • warp
        nikki: i'm now using closed headphones at work, and never hear the phone ring etc.. But now that this HD-570 is fixed I'll have open headphones at work again :)
      • nikki
        what are open and closed ones?
      • warp
        nikki: open are the ones which leak sound, closed don't.
      • nikki
        how do you know whether they will?
      • warp
        nikki: if it says 'open' on the box they will, if it says 'closed' on the box it won't :)
      • nikki doesn't remember seeing that on any of them :/
      • nikki
        hmm. I'd also like some with a volume thing where I don't need it on max, so that I can turn the volume up without deafening simon when we're sharing something...
      • warp
        nikki: e.g. look at the description here: http://tinyurl.com/c5wqym
      • nikki
        although I suppose it would be far easier if *his* had a volume thing so he could turn it down...
      • warp
        isn't it easier to play through speakers when you both want to hear something?
      • I mostly use headphones to not annoy others, but would prefer to always use speakers :)
      • nikki
        all we've got is three laptops
      • and 3am is not a very good time for putting stuff on loud enough for me to hear :P
      • warp
        haha, ok