

July 1st 2013

      • zag
        morning, is there a list of musicbrainz mirrors anywhere without a rate limiter?
      • I can put some server power behind a few mirrors, but would be good to test it first to see if its worth the effort
      • nikki
        I'm not aware of a list of mirrors at all
      • zag
        guess I will make my own mirror then :)
      • Cuan
        Are rejected edits taken into account for lifting limited user status?
      • They are at 9 now.
      • 9 accepted vs. 115 voted-down.
      • reosarevok
        you missed the dot :)
      • And no, they shouldn't be
      • And gah that user
      • Oh, no, you didn't miss the dot, xchat is just stupid, sorry :)
      • simukis_
        he didn't, your client just didn't link it.
      • Cuan
        The question is: should they be.
      • simukis_
        dot is completely valid character in url
      • Cuan
        Most clients don't parse it at the end because it is also a completely valid sentence delimiter.
      • It's always awkward to end a sentence with an URL though.
      • Especially questions.
      • reosarevok suddenly realises who Cuan is
      • reosarevok
        Seems I'm slow today :)
      • Cuan suddenly realises his name is different.
      • ianmcorvidae
        limited user wouldn't really matter with that, would it? it doesn't limit editing at all, just voting
      • Cuan
        Hmm, true.
      • reosarevok
        I guess it's better to let them keep using that account, if only because their utter crap is easier to find that way
      • But argh :(
      • nikki
        I don't understand why people are blindly voting no on all that editor's edits
      • KRSCuan
        I cherry-picked my no votes, though I guess some of the release adds might be okay with fixing.
      • nikki
        some of the release adds I looked at linked to itunes and seemed fine except having the packaging set to jewel case... but still they had two no votes
      • reosarevok approves and fixes a couple
      • KRSCuan
        Cover art sourced from Wikipedia should generally have better replacements.
      • I should check the Marina releases.
      • reosarevok
        I didn't look at cover art, but perfectly-sourced release adds with a couple small issues are not a reason to vote No :/
      • reosarevok grumbles a bit
      • (not at you)
      • KRSCuan points at Senax and salo.rock
      • KRSCuan
        Who are not here, it seems.
      • reosarevok
        I don't think they're IRC people
      • But I suspect Senax is just no-voting everything by the guy
      • nikki
        he said he is
      • KRSCuan
      • reosarevok
        And salo is just following the no-votes as usually
      • ianmcorvidae
        I've seen salo here occasionally, but
      • KRSCuan
        Somewhat understandable, but still not the best way to deal with dunces.
      • nikki
        I mean, there's plenty of us around, if you think someone's edits need attention, find someone willing to do more than just vote no on everything whether it's right or not :/
      • I feel like I should go around blindly yes voting on things with no votes just to even up the numbers a bit :P
      • ianmcorvidae
        I've considered doing that before
      • heh
      • KRSCuan
        With the recent change to the editing system, three quick nos don't suffice to shoot down an edit. So there's more time to spot those edits and form your own opinion.
      • Maybe I should bookmark a search for edits with 2+ no votes.
      • nikki
        I'm pretty sure the idea behind changing it wasn't to encourage people to do it even more though :P
      • reosarevok
        v6lur: hmm, you don't happen to know if Metro Luminal are playing anything apart from the two festivals in Tallinn and Pärnumaa this summer, do you?
      • v6lur
        huh? i didn't even know they were playing anything at all!
      • which festivals?
      • reosarevok
        The Patarei thingy, and that one in Kilingi-Nõmme
      • jesus2099
        hey I’ve just found out that it was still possible to search edits according to any user’s vote, it’s just HIDDEN SEEKRET ! http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-5681
      • flamingspinach
        haha nice
      • Lotheric
      • The little wikipedia preview should skip italic text
      • ianmcorvidae
        the wikipedia preview needs a lot of work
      • Lotheric
        is there a ticket for that?
      • reosarevok
        Lotheric: no, it shouldn't
      • ianmcorvidae
        right now it comes straight from some API they have for mobile stuff, which is what decides what to exclude or not
      • Lotheric
      • ianmcorvidae
        it should skip links to disambiguation pages, certainly
      • not *all* italics, presumably :P
      • reosarevok
        Lotheric: wikipedia should use their own fucking templates for that, which are skipped by the API already
      • reosarevok goes fix this one
      • Lotheric
      • ianmcorvidae
        reosarevok: it's not by templates, it's literally a list of types of elements to exclude :P
      • reosarevok
        ianmcorvidae: however it works, what I know is that when it's done in the silly real-italics-text it is served, and when it's done properly with a template it's not
      • Fixed
      • (will show still I guess since it'll be cached)
      • Lotheric
        well, italic or not, you get what I mean :)
      • what counts is the end result
      • hehe
      • ianmcorvidae
      • most of the templates use div is why it works :P
      • but it's stupid
      • and we should really be doing more of the parsing/formatting ourselves to work around the hackiness of their thing
      • though probably fetching interwiki stuff from wikidata should be first :P
      • drsaunders
        Lotheric: Happy Canada Day
      • Lotheric
      • drsaunders
        kepstin_: Happy Canada Day
      • navap: Happy Canada Day\
      • and anyone else i missed
      • Lotheric
        for me it's happy overtime day though :)
      • 300% ftw
      • drsaunders
      • we are trying to score blue jays tickets..but sold out and scalpers want a lot :-(
      • Lotheric
        Go see the Impact vs. TFC wednesday at BMO Fields
      • :p
      • and get ready for another 6-0 :D
      • drsaunders
        no way i'm watching TFC, i'm not a sadist, i don't enjoy pain
      • Lotheric
      • then watch the Impact ;)
      • navap
        drsaunders: :)
      • Lotheric: Where are you located?
      • Lotheric
        Trois-Rivières, Quebec
      • navap