

March 1st 2015

      • STalKer-X
        so how long takes it for real to update track times when a Disc ID is added? :p
      • nikki
        they're not automatically updated
      • STalKer-X
        so what needs to be done? :p
      • nikki
        set the times from the disc id
      • by going to the disc ids tab, then clicking on the disc id you use want to use
      • STalKer-X
        nice picture. partly english, partly german :P
      • nikki
        yeah, I'm not switching to english just so that the bits that haven't changed will be shown in english :P
      • STalKer-X
        at least your main language isn't japanese :>
      • nikki
        (especially when I probably won't even realise until it's too late that I haven't switched languages)
      • STalKer-X
        there's a typo in the german on the page
      • "großgebschriebenen" :)
      • nikki
        (and it probably wouldn't even matter if it were japanese, anyone likely to implement it will know what the release editor normally looks like without having to be able to read the text)
      • hm so there is...
      • nikki would go fix it, but firefox has taken over the computer
      • STalKer-X
        i think web browsers are about the worst programs now, regarding resources
      • nikki
        it's mostly just firefox for me. old opera and chromium don't kill my computer
      • STalKer-X
        stop using FF.
      • nikki
        yeah, so helpful
      • STalKer-X
        you can use opera or chromium, no?
      • nikki
      • STalKer-X
        somebody is forcing you, o no :<
      • nikki
        yeah, google. they suck
      • STalKer-X
        you cannot say that
      • nikki
        just did
      • STalKer-X
        they are one of MBz sponsors
      • nikki
      • STalKer-X
        how is it, working for a project that is sponsored by EVIL?
      • nikki
        meh, whatever, you're annoying me
      • STalKer-X
        the right reply should have been: FUN. oh well :)
      • pbryan
      • JesseW
      • what brings you to #musicbrainz, pbryan?
      • pbryan
        Mostly my interest in music. How about you?
      • JesseW
        music, databases and archives. :-)
      • I've been working on indexing contra dance videos into MusicBrainz, lately.
      • pbryan
      • JesseW
      • there's a LOT of really good videos out there (and they are legal enough to include in MB, unlike much of the music on YouTube)
      • pbryan
        There's always something in MB that needs love.
      • JesseW
        lots of things, yep
      • You aren't *this* pbryan, are you? https://musicbrainz.org/artist/61fee886-6c4a-41...
      • pbryan
      • JesseW
      • pbryan
        I do have his album though.
      • JesseW
      • TheBikeGuitarist
        hallo Freso are you here?
      • I screwed up and deleted a YouTube video that has a musicbrainz entry. the one at https://musicbrainz.org/recording/f037b5e4-7c8d...
      • there was another song I hope to do that with but didn't. this was an accident though.
      • another recording exists more canonical and on a bicycle to boot which is how the song was written in the first place
      • again, sorry about the screwup take care bye
      • chirlu`
        CatQuest: jesus2099 has a userscript that will display names for the more well-known deleted editors.
      • CatQuest
        chirlu`: duude I know that,
      • :)
      • ugh his weather
      • this*
      • chirlu`
        jesus2099: POWER_RELATE_TO is a bit outdated, isn’t it? Also that you can still switch to test.mb.org. :)
      • hopphopp
        is it correct that this american/latin/english title is written i katakana http://musicbrainz.org/release/f2aeb61e-5886-46... ?
      • flamingspinach
        depends on what you mean by "correct"
      • if you're asking whether you should edit that release, then no
      • i.e., you shouldn't edit it, it is fine as it is
      • CatQuest
        ugh. 4 out of 7 websites in my browser windows' tabs have basically identical layout (white with black topbar)
      • toggl, beatport soundcloud discogs
      • flamingspinach
        the legacy of twitter bootstrap
      • latsni
        Hi everyone, does someone knows if the country of a digital media release (amazon, spotify, itunes, ..) is [worldwide] or not
      • Or should there be several release events: amazon.com -> USA, amazon.fr -> France, but how to handle iTunes and Bandcamp?
      • When is a release event Worldwide?
      • And also i want to ask if it is possible / allowed to add a Spotify links (stream for free) to a CD (hard copy) release? I had a discussion a while ago and i am not sure what to do ..
      • flamingspinach
        I usually put [worldwide] for digital media releases that can be purchased for download from anywhere in the world
      • there are some digital releases which are actually not possible to get from anywhere in the world -- a lot of japanese websites block foreign IP addresses, for example, lol
      • hibiscuskazeneko: cool casiopea song you linked the other day :)
      • hibiscuskazeneko
      • I'm considering buying some of their stuff if I can find it
      • VxJasonxV
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        it does take a while
      • kuno
        latsni: for iTunes I usually put the country of that iTunes store (it's in the URL), because I know that one exists and I don't want to spend time checking if its available in other country stores.
      • latsni: no, I don't think spotify links should be added to a CD -- they're different releases IMO.
      • latsni
        kuno: okay thx, but it is okay to add them to digital releases or are they different, too?
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        I'd probably add them to digital releases (as long as the tracklist and content are the same)
      • kuno
        latsni: that should be OK -- I personally don't think digital releases should be treated like that, but the consensus in MB seems to be that if a digital release has the same tracklist, it's the same release
      • (even if they might sound slightly different because amazon, itunes and spotify all use their own lossy MP3/M4A encoding)
      • hibiscuskazeneko
      • The only exception would be if the distribution changed hands (as was the case with a certain 2NE1 single)
      • latsni
        kuno: thx :)
      • Freso
        latsni: Bandcamp releases should be [worldwide], btw. IIRC, they don't employ any per-country restrictions.
      • Mineo
        but maybe countries do?:)
      • Freso
        Sure, but if something is released everywhere but North Korea, I would probably still go for [worldwide].
      • hopphopp
        flamingspinach: what is the definition of script then? because the booklet is definitely printed in latin. here is photo of it http://imgur.com/CPGwKz1
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        The "script" of a release is the writing system predominantly used on the release
      • In that case I'd set it to Latin
      • (I assume Juliana Hatfield isn't Japanese)
      • If you're talking about http://musicbrainz.org/release/f2aeb61e-5886-46... I'd set it as a pseudo-release
      • chirlu`
        According to https://musicbrainz.org/edit/21669337, it is a real release, though.
      • kuno
        I only see latin backcover tracklists on yahoo auctions
      • (I guess those could be imports)
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        It's a Japanese edition of a release by an American artist
      • The reason people think they're in katakana is because shopping sites often transliterate the tracks and titles to make them easier to read
      • hopphopp
        yes exactly and as you can see on both my photo and discogs the main script in the track listing is latin
      • aha, interesting
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        I just added the non-transliterated version: http://musicbrainz.org/release/dd42a09f-db79-47...
      • kuno
        hibiscuskazenek1: yes, but whether the katakana tracklisting is a pseudo-release or not depends on whether that japanese edition has a katakana tracklist on the backcover or a latin tracklisting on the backcover.
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        I have almost never seen transliterations on the back covers of foreign artists' releases
      • kuno
        I've seen it a few times, I don't add that much japanese stuff so I'll take your word for it if you say it's super-rare. it does happen though :)
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        I've only seen it with Japanese domestic artists who have worked overseas (e.g. Minako Honda)
      • hopphopp
        as i said above, i have the release and here is a photo of the track list http://imgur.com/CPGwKz1
      • english/latin
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        We believe you
      • (or at least I do
      • If you like you can upload scans of it to the CAA
      • kuno
        hopphopp: thanks! having a backcover image is always appreciated, because those are often difficult to find when discussing these things.
      • hopphopp
        what is CAA?
      • hibiscuskazenek1
        Cover Art Archive