

March 1st 2016

      • hibiscuskazeneko
      • Leftmost
        Your initial response comes across as straight-up aggressive.
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        Having dealt with him for years (all while being moked, belittled, gaslighted and threatened) what did you expect me to do?
      • Leftmost
        Either deal with his actions through the appropriate channels or ignore him. Aggressive behavior is not warranted.
      • It won't solve any problems, it will just create more.
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        Ignoring him will only cause more damage.
      • He is single-handedly responsible for ruining a whole chunk of MB and most people are too afraid to go near it because of him.
      • Leftmost
        Behaving aggressively won't fix that.
      • You behave aggressively toward other editors. This behavior causes problems, and you bring them here in the hopes that other people will fix them. Frankly, it's counterproductive.
      • There have been times in the past where I've had problems with other editors and it's made me frustrated and angry. I take that as a sign that I need to step away for a while.
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        Stepping away only gives these people license to get away with murder.
      • Leftmost
        No, it doesn't. MusicBrainz is not a person and it won't be brought down by some bad edits. They've happened before. They'll happen again. We'll do our best to prevent and fix them. The site will not fall apart because of it.
      • The site is, however, dependent on its community and on people being able to work together, even when they disagree.
      • When you behave in a hostile manner toward another editor, it won't change their mind or solve the problem at hand. It will put them in a defensive position, where they feel the need to double down on their opinion because they're under attack.
      • I urge you to consider whether your current approach to the site is healthy either for the project or for you. Step away for a single day and evaluate.
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        I have no other option at this point. Everything I present gets shot down as "not good enough" or "I can't figure it out, so it must be bogus" or "some other site says no, so you must be wrong".
      • Leftmost
        There are always other options, and hostility will never be the correct course of action.
      • kahu
      • looks like a bot making some questionable edits...
      • ac_slater
        hey guys. In picard, I can tag a song but the time/duration never gets updated. Clues?
      • updated in the web interface *
      • Leftmost
        Picard doesn't submit to the web service.
      • Well, it does for certain things, but not metadata.
      • ac_slater
      • I tag stuff every so often and always forget the process :(. I login, create an album/go to an existing one, click tagger, do my stuff in picard, then?
      • apparently the submit button is greyed out... hmm
      • Leftmost
        Submit is only for fingerprints. No other data is included.
      • ac_slater
        Leftmost: I'm attempting to change the fingerprint as well
      • Leftmost
        If you've selected the correct release and associated the file with the right track and it's not allowing you to submit, that means the fingerprint is already associated with that recording.
      • ac_slater
        Leftmost: even if the web interface says "no fingerprints associated..."
      • ?
      • Leftmost
        Is the file very short?
      • ac_slater
      • (latest picard, and fpcalc)
      • Leftmost: here is the release http://musicbrainz.org/release/303c8e52-b382-46... ... this one is specifically confusing to me
      • Leftmost
        Well, for the length, you'll have to set it manually since it's vinyl.
      • ac_slater
      • I'm glad I asked you
      • Leftmost
        In the web interface, that is.
      • And can you screenshot picard when you're trying to submit the fingerprint?
      • ac_slater
        Leftmost: sure. Thanks for the help. I'm slow and can't find the "length" in the Edit section
      • Leftmost
        You're in the release editor, right?
      • ac_slater
        I see now. I was in the song editor
      • Leftmost
        Recording length is calculated automatically.
      • ac_slater
        awesome, thanks
      • Leftmost
        From the lengths set in tracklists.
      • ac_slater
        Leftmost: so, I'm unsure what to screen shot. I click "tagger" in the Release view, tagger loads the album, I drag the files to it, CD turns Gold, Submit button greyed out.
      • tagger == picard
      • Leftmost
        You need to scan the files instead of dragging them. Otherwise it doesn't calculate a fingerprint.
      • ac_slater
        Leftmost: I seeee now
      • Leftmost: thanks mate!
      • Leftmost
        No problem.
      • ac_slater
        problem solved. I'll write the process down this time. (it's probably in the illustrated guide...)
      • varun is now known as Guest10467
      • mr-karan
        Hello. I'm a CS undergrad and new to MetaBrainz community. I would like to get involved in development of the project. I have gone through the idea list and willing to get my hands wet by fixing some issues listed on the bug tracker. I have experience in development with Python. So can any mentor could assign me a specific issue that would help me
      • get started ?
      • Thanks
      • darwin
        mr-karan aran you are in the right channel
      • I am about to crash out, but welcome.
      • mr-karan
      • So where do I get started ?