some albums have 2 official tracklists (<bands' native language> / english)
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D4RK-PH0ENiX: yes I’ll start with the double official tracklists in my collection, as well, when it’s available. :)
in classical you also have 4 official tracklist albums ;)
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D4RK-PH0ENiX: At next schema change.
jesus2099: Thank you. :p
Freso should get better at updating the latest release link...
D4RK-PH0ENiX: As I understand it, the code for the alternative tracklists is pretty much all done, but don't do schema changing server releases in the regular server updates, so it'll be released in the May schema change release.
But there's only just over a month left for that, so you won't have to wait *too* long now. :)
yay! I'll finally be able to get rid of so many pseudo releases...
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"merge as alternate tracklist" would be a godsend
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bitmap: ^ :p
D4RK-PH0ENiX: I doubt bitmap will manage to get that in, so make a ticket for it for now. :)
But yes, I can see that being very useful when getting rid of all of the pseudo-releases without losing MBIDs.
Note that some pseudo-releases are linked to 2+ actual releases, so they probably should not be merged.