most of these "cats singing metal" are cats that are unhappy and or wants to be left alone though :/ so to someone who is used to catlanguage it comes of as disenhartening, not funny or cool :/
I'm certian most people doing recordings as well as comemntors don't own many cats or have had cats fro long
it seems people don't know the language/thing
but if you've had cats for a while you recognize that noise as "DO NOT WANT" basically
That one cat wasn't happy, but she needed the brush
D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
CatQuest doesn't know
Flattened ears are also a giveaway
I know my own cat didn't like it either, she had long hiar and eventually it woudl hurt her whne i brushed her for too long
but I wouldn't film it :/
flattened ears, yep
It would be cumbersome to film it, unless you had a tripod
also filming cats/kids/people/dogs whatever in distress and marketing it as "funny" is not something I've ever understood
peopel or dogs or cats beign stupid or clumsy, sure fine
If it's people, I wouldn't do it unless those involved consented
or those videos of animals (I think it was an elephant) "dancing" to music
a cat which falls down and then nonchalantly acts all "I meant to do that" is hella funny
CatQuest thinks it's even meanier to do it with animals as they can't actually express their distress or unvllingness to be filmed and are at human's mercy, while other humans can be all like "wtf cut that out" and/or get legal action at you
a humna ca say "don't be a dick" or actually just flip yo uoff and go away for ever. an animla is owned by you and at your mercy
In a lot of those videos the animal looks/acts distressed but is not in any danger and/or is not being harmed
If the animal was in fact in danger, that'd be "put the fucking camera down" territory
generally people will also act more aghast at such with humans and chidlren it in because a: they recognise the distress of our same species much easier and b: other people will be a lot more "not cool dude" and there are things ot prevent abuse to humans
And if there are kids involved, that video may come back to bite them later
yea ok, but generally distressed cat/dog/whatever makes me distressed too
Same here
*especialy* because humans can basically do whatever ot animalsin a completely different way than people. and I don't mean like "hurt/hit/ilegal
animals are stupid compaired to humans
animals don't actually know that it'sillegal for humans to hit or abuse them, or in fact what "illegal" means
It's not illegal everywhere
pets are like little retard slaves with teeth <3
Dogs anyway
(I hope i offended everyone with that)
With cats, the roles are reversed
nah, cats can be retarded too
They own us
(or at least they think they do)
we like ot think that but reallity isn't so
yea. :)
CatQuest is off
hibiscuskazeneko is too
what is even going on in here?
We were chatting about cats "singing" metal
then CatQuest remarked that the cat looked unhappy, and it got derailed from there
CatQuest: some searching suggests they were made before guitars were popular and aren't really a hybrid or anything, only this naming suggests it
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right, reosarevok, thanks
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peaveyman joined the channel
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Did someone in here link to a blog post doing a mash-up of the article author's data with MusicBrainz and other data a while ago? (I think it was in 2016, but may have been 2015.)
Freso, me what? The mashup thing? It sounds like something that I'd link to heere and then forget about entirely.
Yep. But also something you might bookmark or some such for "later study" (ie., "forget about entirely", as you put it).
Freso should be better at bookmarking things...
arbenina_ joined the channel
Freso wonders if it was maybe a tweet...
pinnerup_ is now known as pinnerup
CallerNo6: while you're around, mind helping (I would but I'm trying to finally deal with the five classical releases I've had open in its own window for a month)
Is there a way to search tweets by a specific twitterer?