12:02 am
No idea
12:02 am
hibiscuskazeneko has never used Spotify
12:03 am
lucky you
12:04 am
12:04 am
I want it to just work when I click a link on MB :)
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uninstall spotify? :P
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why would you even want it to play in the webplayer? it is awful
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no ads
12:18 am
because I use ublock
12:19 am
I have the free version
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there's a "Play
open.spotify.com URLs in the desktop app" in the webplayer but it does not work for me
12:19 am
using Opera 43 stable
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12:41 am
am I completely crazy or is the other guy just stubborn?
12:46 am
I don't know what to make of that edit in particular
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but I have dealt with that editor in the past, and he can be headstrong
12:47 am
Lotheric recognize the name also
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well i am also hoping peopel will vote yes so it won't fail but.. :P
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CatQuest: What was that attached to?
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it came in the zip with the rest of the music (digital only release)
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hey everyone
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(Note that a lot of the regulars will be fast asleep by now. (As I should be!))
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me too, really, it's 4 am here
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but i am not a patient man
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I don't understand why I can't type "paris, france" or "paris france" into the area search box and have it work :(
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darwin: Make a ticket? Probably won't be worked on until the new search server is in place though.
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10:39 am
I figure there must be a ticket like "make search results for area sort by population"
10:39 am
which would solve 95% of my cases
10:46 am
Well, maybe, but we wouldn't be able to do that.
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6:07 pm
I have a suggestion to throw out there for your consideration. Maybe it's been suggested before, I dunno.....
6:07 pm
In the MB web site, when making a lot of edits it can sometimes get to be confusing to keep proper tabs on what's been done.
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When something has been editied to be changed, it is highlighted in orange. You know its been changed but you can see what it's bee changed to.
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At least not while the edit is still pending.
6:09 pm
My suggestion od there is a button on each view that allows you so see the page as it would appear if al pending edits were approved and applied.
6:09 pm
I think that would be a good feature. Any thoughts?....
6:10 pm
CardinalWolseley: I'm fairly confident that there's a ticket requesting something like this already. :)
6:10 pm
4 comments ago I mean't **can't** see what its been changed to.
6:11 pm
Fresco: That's good to hear. +1 from me :)
6:14 pm
That's kinda harder than it sounds (because edits might conflict with each other) but still
6:14 pm
also: Freso: you should just give up and change your nickname, really :p
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Freso: For some reason your name makes me think of queso fresco (continuing reosarevok's thread)
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I prefer Fresno. Makes him sound like he could be one of the magnificent seven.
6:54 pm
Frestop it already, guys :p
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^ this is why I ship freotab
7:08 pm
I think "Freshco", the rapper.
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