

May 1st 2017

      • SothoTalKer
        loujine: script works very good. But I just noticed something :p
      • loujine: It tried to add "Kingdom of Netherlands" as area :D
      • pbryan
      • MajorLurker
        darwin, I approved the ones that were obvious
      • ANd if there is evidence of a promo it can always be entered as such i.e. Promotion selected
      • noci
        hey friends of data, is this where I can ask API questions?
      • I'm trying to get the complete official discography of an artist, containing EPs, Albums and Singles. But I can't figure it out without making 3 requests for each and glue them together. Surely that's not right?
      • Freso
        darwin: Yes, please (IMO).
      • noci: #metabrainz would be (slightly) more appropriate for asking dev style questions. :)
      • noci
        okay! \o/
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        Anyone else notice this issue? https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9324
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9324: "Add relationship" button sometimes fails to function in pop-up "add" boxes
      • antfoo
        Hi, is someone able to accept an edit from me? https://musicbrainz.org/edit/45149112
      • It would be quite helpful, since it's the only CD-R that I own at the moment and want to test something with the retured metadata.
      • *returned
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        antfoo: Voted
      • antfoo
      • MajorLurker
        antfoo, go for your life :)
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        MajorLurker: you jinxed me! I was just about to do it
      • antfoo
        Wonderful, thanks a lot!
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        litterly clicked "approve" but got an error message
      • :P
      • MajorLurker
        ZaphodBeeblebrox, had to do something to take my mind of the pain
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
      • MajorLurker
      • Can't really recommend getting things cut out
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
      • MajorLurker
        Anyway it's done now....
      • Sore though
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        I hope the results will be negative
      • MajorLurker
        Looks like I have done 10 rounds with Muhammed Ali
      • Yea have to wait 10 days for the results now
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        well then you're in fit health, man, because most would be like, ded if they tried that :P
      • MajorLurker
        haha..... maybe I should have said "30 seconds"
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
      • MajorLurker
        or possibly even 10
      • seconds
      • Freso
        antfoo: 😇
      • MajorLurker: What did you have cut out?? Bone marrow?
      • MajorLurker
        Freso, just a lump from my face, right under my lip......
      • Might be cancer might not be
      • Freso
        Ah. Right. Ouch. :/
      • Ice( cream)?
      • MajorLurker
        Yes it's pretty sore...
      • They gave me jelly and icecream at the hospital....
      • antfoo
        Freso: thanks for your comment ;)
      • reosarevok
        ... now I want ice cream (also get better MajorLurker)
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Go get some!
      • MajorLurker
        ha well icecream is good, pain is not.... hopefully it will settle down over night
      • MajorLurker wonders how the hell you are supposed to keep bandages on your face dry for 10 days
      • Freso
        Changing them often. Drinking of straws. Sacrificing a farm animal on full moon. Not eating.
      • MajorLurker
        I don't fancy changing them.... stuck fast :)
      • SO when is a full moon ha
      • Freso
      • reosarevok has always been confused: what's the point of pingbacks?
      • reosarevok
        (they've always seemed to me like comment pollution)
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Letting you know when other people talk about your posts.
      • E.g., it was how Gentlecat was notified of that article blog post talking about the AcousticBrainz study.
      • reosarevok
        Oh, sure, I like that we get notified, but why do they come as comments by default, rather than some "hey someone linked to this" notification?
      • MajorLurker
        Freso, great blog thanks
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Because pingbacks are a "new" invention—compared to the notion of article/blog post comments. So when they were first "invented", it was easier to make it (and probably "sell" it) by plugging into the frameworks that already existed: comments.
      • I think Drupal at least internally keeps (or used to keep) pingbacks classified separately from "normal" comments, so you could decide yourself how to present them (e.g., blending in with the comments, before, after, or in their own section).
      • But Wordpress... Well, let's just say that for being PHP code, Drupal's isn't horrible. :)
      • reosarevok
        loujine: seems a bit silly that if I paste a wikidata link on your script's new field, it doesn't actually add that wikidata link to the artist itself :)
      • SothoTalKer
        that i haven't checked :x
      • Freso: have you ever tried to get "Dissociative identity disorder", so that you could be multiple persons? =X
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        SothoTalKer: he's still have only one body so he still couldn't do any more work
      • SothoTalKer
        bah, who cares about such details :D
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        probably freso who's taking a bit of time of irc
      • SothoTalKer
        if the wikipedia link is automatically taken from wikidata, should it still be added on its own?
      • reosarevok
        No need
      • No need to vote an add down, but I wouldn't add them either
      • eventually we just need to autoconvert it
      • SothoTalKer
        adds are automatically applied ^^
      • reosarevok
        Well, some people keep checking the "make all edits votable" box :p
      • SothoTalKer
        ok :)
      • adding compilations is a hard process :x
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        SothoTalKer: DID is not something you can consciously contract.
      • CallerNo6
        oh, I was gonna say, you can do it with d-glottalization.
      • hibiscuskazeneko
        jesus2099: I found another deleted editor