12:01 am
dicosgs has 14 for joseph and 26 for josef
12:01 am
a picture of the birth certificate would solve the problem ......
12:02 am
Josef is in the lead by 12 then ha
12:02 am
and some just as "lanner" which could be both
12:03 am
or neither :)
12:03 am
12:03 am
oh well the merge is correct, all the attached info is the same, so I will leave it and see
12:03 am
12:04 am
there is no reason to vote negative
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so you can enter an event, e.g., a concert but you can't enter a recording tagged to that event?
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iconoclasthero: you can say "recorded at event" with a relationship
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hi revok
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hi reosarevok !
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(I don't want anything of you, jsut to say hi! how is Finland?!)
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Rainy! But saw some new birds, so that's nice
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reosarevok goes be touristy again
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yo abcbum
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hei :D
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how's your week? :D
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it's just normal i guess :D how about you
11:36 am
pretty good
11:36 am
school started so I got to see my friends
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and today I went to a concert
11:36 am
and added it as an event on mb lol
11:37 am
\o/ school is fun
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11:38 am
i have never been to a concert but yeah \o/
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11:38 am
what are some concerts you would want to go to?
11:39 am
xD to be honest i don't know i don't even think of it :D
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11:41 am
concert is kinda crowded so not really my type(?)
11:42 am
ah I see
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2:00 pm
wow are they playing soon? :P
2:04 pm
Hall & Oates - Maneater isn't really rock, is it?
2:09 pm
what do you think it is?
2:10 pm
pop :D
2:46 pm
reosarevok: I don't see anything like that as an "Add relationship" option
2:47 pm
2:47 pm
if you need an example...
2:47 pm
ok, lemme look
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so you can go Event > +Release relationship but you can't go Release > +Event relationship?
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also, when trying to search for the event, it will find tracks on 2020-01-28: Count Basie Theatre, Red Bank, NJ, but it won't actually pull that release/group up.
2:54 pm
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the reason i ask about directionality is that i started with the release/group and was looking to add the event to it.
3:13 pm
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3:17 pm
iconoclasthero: did you use "edit relationships" or normal "edit"?
3:24 pm
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4:04 pm
4:04 pm
> edit relationships > Release Relationships > Add Relationship
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4:07 pm
i missed the dropdown to change from artist to the other things.
4:08 pm
i'm set now.
4:38 pm
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good to read :P
5:25 pm
reading is for nerds
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that's why i listen to all my books
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8711252093468 - same company uses the barcode for at least 4 releases XD
11:08 pm
i think i found 5 releases so far.
11:15 pm
they're in great shape :)
11:16 pm
you gonna add them to MB?
11:30 pm
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