Leo_Verto: hi: I've got some more feed back on your survey
Mar 15 21:41:15 <CatQuest>very first option just has 2 and one is "reffered by freind" ad the second is "option 2" :P
Mar 15 21:42:05 <CatQuest>I'd add "heard about it on last.fm since that's where *A lot* of people came from. secondary / other place that said "you can fix your tags here" etc
Mar 15 21:42:49 <CatQuest>second question: it maxes out at 10. not really good, it should have max as many yeaes as the project's been going. for instance I had my.. 12? year anniversary not long ago
on the next page, the "please rate how familiar yo uare with"
you have use often, use sometimes use rarely and thne "never heard of"
i feel there sohul be a "never use" also (since peopel might have herad of it but not use it)
eg: I don't really use events, but I deff know about them!
arbenina_ has quit
now this: "data origin" "how familiar ware you with majority artists enter"
this isn't really clear
i can be very familiar with something i find online!
and I know freso personally, but i'm not too knowledgable about his music ventures :(
(sorry freso)
matoro joined the channel
why is "How often do you use the following data sources?" required? it sounds a bit like we're trying to week out people woh use *not* mb for stuff :P (from a complete newbie perspecitve )
also I feel 3 doesn't give *quite* enough granularity to this question
5 liek the others woudl be better
"Other MetaBrainz projects" suffers from the same issue that "how familiar you are with" above
i cna have heard of something wiotuh beign familiar or use sometihng
the age groups are a bit.. uhh
you start with 3 and younger and 14 to 17, that's swell, then 18-20 should be 18-25 imh, and next bracket 26-36, next brakcet is 37-45 and so on
I don't really feel at home in the 31-40 bracket! (i would if I was 37 though, it's closer)
gender questing 👍 well done!
the question about !are you a musician yourself" I think "Yes, but only unpublished" doesn't make any sense. why seperate out "unpublished?
what does that even mean?
yes, yes but only as a hobby, no, other woudl work better imho
someone woh hasn't made an official published thinger, is stil lan artist and not really that diff for msome one woh has (atleast not i nthis day and age)
CallerNo6 demands that "are you an assembly of radioactive cockroaches wearing a trenchcoat, busking on the corner" be an option.
(that covers my gender also)
CatQuest got that reference :O
wait, is that a reference? I thought I made it up. (except that "insects assembled into a personoid" goes back to a Frank Herbert book)
anyway that was my input, the survey looks in much greater shape thna it did the first time i ilooked at it <3 well doen Leo_Verto
the insects assembed/mimiking a human is the plot of the movie "mimicry2 iirc
yes, that too :-)
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matoro has quit
CatQuest thinks CallerNo6 should reply to https://community.metabrainz.org/t/saint-patrick-s-day-2017/229705 even if he isn't irish in any shape or form. i can't imagine you'd not d oanything