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and i'm a little confused about it
4:51 am
different catalog number?
4:53 am
also different label
4:54 am
5:27 am
oh that's interesting
5:27 am
my fatigue must be ruining my google fu
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6:13 am
could use some help from someone familiar-ish with japanese atm, I have a bunch of tatsuya suzukis who I'm trying to find out if they're all the same artist or not
6:31 am
ahhh thats always annoying
6:31 am
if you search the artists, do they have disambiguations?
6:33 am
some of them do, but there isn't a lot of other information to go off, e.g. minimal relationships and external links with little content
6:33 am
are you only trying to work out if they're overlapping, or do you want to find one for a circumstance
6:34 am
mostly if they're duplicates that should ber merged or not
6:34 am
* should be
6:37 am
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6:39 am
thats uh
6:40 am
thats a weird one
6:40 am
so the disambiguation on that says crossfaith
6:40 am
crossfaith is a metalcore band
6:40 am
...nobody in it is named suzuki
6:40 am
tatsuya in the band is tatsuya amano
6:40 am
the drummer
6:41 am
ugh, vgmdb must've gotten that one wrong then (unless it's another alias), I'll go fix that one
6:41 am
so i would question if tatsuya suzuki from crossfaith is a real person
6:42 am
he has nothing linked up to him
6:43 am
yeah that vgm page is definitely not a crossfaith member
6:43 am
6:44 am
oh yeah
6:44 am
vgm just says "Tatsuya"
6:44 am
but that links to thsi guy
6:44 am
they definitely have their wires crossed
6:45 am
6:45 am
i can help confirm one thing
6:45 am
well, I entered edits to correct the credit for metanoia here now
6:45 am
the guy on our site that you thought was crossfaith?
6:45 am
6:45 am
this is thes same guy
6:45 am
because that album is definitely his album
6:46 am
yeah, I already put in a merge edit for that one, though now I'm a little doubtful because I also got that from vgmdb lolrip
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6:48 am
well someone definitely did make the gunsmith cats thing
6:48 am
i usually lean on vgm but if they're both up in the air ... you do sort of have to look for source
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but gunsmith cats is a bit old
6:49 am
6:49 am
this matches the vgm tatsuya a bit in terms of patterns
6:49 am
with him being drums, composer, and arranger
6:49 am
unless that vgm version is not one guy
6:51 am
30fff6c0-7c47-4a0e-bc69-39763303b014 has some of the other relationships from vgm linked - think we should merge the two?
6:51 am
im trying to work out if the last one i linked actually _is_ the vgm one
6:51 am
by looking at pictures
6:51 am
they're very similar, but i cant quite tell
6:52 am
im gonna guess that, based on the other data the internet is indicating, this vocaloid one is not tatsuya suzuki
6:52 am
i dont mean not the same one
6:52 am
but like
6:52 am
not at all
6:53 am
he's listed as having an alias of deco 17
6:53 am
sorry 27
6:53 am
but that person is not tatsuya suzuki
6:53 am
that person is apparently Deko Niina, unless that's a stage name too
6:53 am
this is turning into a real mess lol
6:54 am
6:55 am
oh i see ... tatsuya suzuki did some arranging on the vocaloid laboratory album
6:55 am
deco*27 did the lyrics
6:55 am
so for that one, deco 27 is /not/ an alias of tatsuya suzuki
6:55 am
and if its just arranging, it begs the question ... is it the same as the other composer with that name
6:55 am
( it's not oster project either btw )
6:56 am
id say both aliases are incorrect most likely
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6:59 am
added that to c5ec771f-068b-4ed0-a58f-4e15023f3bc3's entry
7:00 am
im gonna guess that august ep guy is not the same one
7:00 am
but thats not with a whole lot of weight behind it
7:01 am
especially since he uses tatsu as an alt
7:01 am
and sure enough
7:01 am
the tatsuya suzuki who has composer as disambiguation?
7:01 am
has a stage name of tatsu
7:02 am
if it helps make things more confusing
7:02 am
7:02 am
there's also the actor
7:03 am
but i dont see any credits for voice work so maybe he's nobody here
7:04 am
I hope so, because I'm already lost lol
7:07 am
here's something that might actually help
7:07 am
7:07 am
tower records tatsuya suzuki
7:07 am
the one that definitely is involved in the gunsmith cats album
7:07 am
so either this one is that one, or that album has a bad reference
7:09 am
naturally vgm is missing some of the albums listed here
7:09 am
now I'm wondering if I got the right tatsuya suzuki or not for all the utena songs I tagged...
7:10 am
7:11 am
i would try to corroborate those with any of the sites that sell albums
7:11 am
particularly any in japanese
7:11 am
although unlike tower, some dont have cross linking, so that only helps a tiny bit
7:16 am
7:17 am
yeah, I already know about that site, but it doesn't detail the performer credits beyond vocals
7:18 am
the scans
7:18 am
the album scans include composers and arrangers
7:18 am
and lyricists
7:18 am
the scans only have "tatsuya suzuki" printed in english, no kanji or anything else
7:18 am
i dont see tatsuya suzuki in the scans
7:19 am
7:21 am
7:21 am
very interesting
7:21 am
and most of the japanese stores I've looked at just don't list contributing musician credits at all, in general. no-one beyond the standard lyricist/composer/arranger/vocalist at best
7:23 am
7:23 am
he's definitely not in the staff list
7:23 am
or the cast l ist
7:24 am
so i'd say he was purely drums there
7:24 am
so maybe a set drummer
7:24 am
7:30 am
page doesn't have much else to verify though, they don't appear to store japanese text...
7:31 am
7:31 am
its a weird thing
7:32 am
how do you k now w hich person who is identically named is which
7:32 am
when these people dont have faces you can rely on because those are just as suspect
7:37 am
think I'll have to put this down for the moment, I'm losing my focus. too many tatsuya suzukis to juggle
7:44 am
fair enough 8b
7:44 am
im actually going to bed
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I'm trying to kill off some of these Carnegie Hall links but some of the artists are very obscure
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how did I not find that *facepalm*
9:54 am
I guess the search was excluding foreign language results
9:56 am
I generally search Wikidata first, just in case
10:04 am
often isearch wikidata but thne not find it, but after creatin a wikidata item, i look at commons and find an image wich is linked ot a wiidata item :D